Red Kite

22 Aug 2003
Near where I work there are some Red Kites that come flying round looking for food, well I have taken my camera more times than I care to remember
and they obviously knew I was waiting with my camera
"They never show up" Grrrr

however after almost 2 years of 'Zilch' trying to nail the blighters, one actually showed up -albiet- not very close to me, but after 2 years who care's
at least I got 'something'
must add that these Kites have a wingspan of about 5ft
We went to Thame in Oxfordshire & a pair are constantly hovering over the town all day long, apparently an introduced pair ( I wonder if they'l marry lol) Also we saw dozens at a feeding station in Rhayader Wales .fantastic birds indeed
Lens used was 400mm F5.6 Canon along with 1.4x converter

one day I will get it to come closer, so I guess in another 2 years I will post a follow up
thanks for commenting
Great shot of what was made nearly extinct by the introduction of the shotgun :( I live close to a breeding area and see them a lot on the way to work. :)
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