Red light issue on my motherboard (have no clue, please help!)

11 Sep 2020
I have an issue that needs fixing asap cause it's stressing me the hell out, ALSO keep it mind I just build this PC today using youtube tutorials but it still managed to take me 7 hours, so i have NO idea about anything tbh... ( please try to use simple language :( )

So the issue is, when i boot up my pc AND shutdown a red light on my motherboard flashes once in this order: CPU, VGA and BOOT, (dram doesn't light up) it flashes once in that order and then doesn't light up at all while using the PC. however there's like a red strip of light behind the motherboard that's always on, i'm not sure if that's intentional but it doesn't look it (b450 tomahawk max) I'll leave links to pics so it's easier to see what i'm talking about. Also keep in mind everything seems to be working fine, speeds are fine, graphics card is working fine, everything really.. it's so annoying! please help me as i just spent 1k on this pc and it's a horrible feeling to think that it could all go to hell...
11 Sep 2020
This :p

You might be able to turn the lights off in the BIOS.

wait so you're telling me that even though the led diagnostic lights flash once at startup and shutdown it means nothing? i'm presuming if there's a problem then they'd stay on?

i know you both said nothings wrong but i can't help but panic, i might need more confirmation as usually i always end up with the **** stick :eek::D
11 Sep 2020
Yep, most motherboards will flash a load of diagnostic lights on startup, and some will briefly illuminate them on shut down as well. It is performing the POST (power on self test) sometimes referred to as "posting".

Mine has diagnostic lights all over it (rather than just in one place like yours) and when I boot it up it illuminates each one in turn, and then the screen comes on and it boots into Windows.

If there was an issue, the lights would stay on, like you surmised. And usually the PC won't boot. :)

You also get motherboards with a little two character display which will cycle through a load of diagnostic codes before booting as well as, or instead of, illuminating the lights, and boards like yours where the lights are all in a line.

If you're still not convinced I'll do a brief video of me turning my computers on so you can see them flashing a load of red lights. Just let me finish watching some Youtube videos first! :p

Good job on building your first PC though! I remember when I built my first one it caught fire when I pressed the power button for the first time! :D :eek:

I think i’ll take your word for it. i’m just so relieved, thanks for that clarification! if i didn’t think so negatively about myself i probably wouldn’t have thought there was an issue in the first place. I built my first PC and did a good job of it, it seems. and wow, that sounds like something that would happen to me, my luck is just that bad, but not today. :cool:
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