Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

Troops stationed in bases within the region might not be so dismissive of these threats. Iran, whilst in no position to pose any realistic challenge to US military might, can still strike strategically important bases in the region with significant force, enough to make the impact felt back home (Generally US dont like to see dead troops), and cause considerable disruption in the area. If both sides could kindly refrain from further ******* for the next few weeks that'd be grand.
I agree, probably wouldn't want to be on the ground in the region but if they did anything like that they'd get absolutely smashed shortly afterwards.
Why give the Iranians and their proxies ample warning to get their assets out of dodge before attacking? Why not just level the ***** and then answer any questions afterwards?
The narrative on the BBC is that it's to avoid "escalating" the situation into a full on war between the US and Iran. Essentially makes the strikes symbolic since any Iranians and the militias will be long gone.

I've not seen, and excuse me for being out of touch, the bit where Iran says that they are backing the Houthi guys...
IF Iran are backing someone that's being a dick, then they should expect retaliatory strikes, but, to this point I've not seen anything official from the Iranian Government saying that they are supporting the Houthi lot...
I would imagine the evidence is not that strong or it's hearsay that Iran are backing them. I don't think Iran have officially said they're backing the Houthis. Also, again avoiding a US vs Iran war, which would probably lead to all out conflict in the Middle East.
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whereas I don't expect the US warships to have changed much.
Why do you think that? I'd expect just about every major defence manufacturing firm will be developing anti-drone technology whether it's electronic counter-measures to offensive weapons.
The cost, logistics, time of upgrading an existing ship e.g.

Drone technology is relatively new and advancing quickly, any defensive tech that is developed will become outdated quickly too.
But they will have changed?
Richmond been out here for a bit. Might not be a 45, still very capable asset. Reckon it will likely be backed up by Lancaster soon.

^^^ I think there will be further air strikes for sure. It doesn't really matter what nationality the victims are or what country the ship belongs to, the shipping disruption affects us all through increased cost of goods.
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