Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and Black. It's the General Snooker Thread!

This is good stuff from Kyren. I hope he knocks out mop-top as Judd stands a better chance of beating Kyren than Neil.
What an intro. Isn't it wonderful to have a sizeable audience again?

To be honest, I haven’t really missed it over the past year. It’s been nice not having the refs saying “turn your phones off” every five minutes. :p. But I do like a good “ooh aah” when something happens.
The schedule (BBC iPlayer and red button I think?)

Thursday 6th May at 12noon
Match 1 – Lee Walker v Darren Morgan
Match 2 – David Lilley v Philip Williams

Thursday 6th May at 7pm
Match 3 – Stephen Hendry v Patsy Fagan
Match 4 – Mick Judge v Patrick Wallace

Friday 7th May at 12 noon
Match 5 – Ken Doherty v Joe Johnson
Match 6 – Dennis Taylor v Barry Pinches

Friday 7th May at 7pm
Match 7 – Jimmy White v Tony Knowles
Match 8 – Igor Figueiredo v John Parrott

Out of all them, I think Dennis Taylor will be the one I'm most eagerly looking forward to.
Stephen Hendry has mellowed - very apologetic after his win. He wouldn't have entertained that earlier in his career.
Shame Jimmy didn't win again. That would have been great to see. And that's it. No more snooker until July now.
Any of you chaps watching mark allen and ding? I was looking for a general snooker thread but couldn't see one, sorry of this isn't a good place to discuss the uk championships. :D

Have got one eye on it until the World Cup starts at 3pm. Shame Jackie-boy Lisowski didn't make it through as I would have had someone to root for today.
I don’t think I could bare Judd going out in round one of a big event yet again, so glad that he made the comeback!
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