
1 May 2003
I've just been informed by my managers' Manager, that I have been selected for redundancy.

Not been in this situation before, so not sure on what to expect.

From what I have gathered, it looks like a cost cutting exercise across the UK. Although I am the only one in my team who has been selected (they have just employed 2 new graduate analysts).

Have been with my current employer for the past 8 years, it comes as a complete shock.

Just been applying for new jobs, not sure what else I can do, until the company get in touch.
That really sucks and sorry to hear that. :(

I'd sort of expect them to get rid of the new guys, like a last in first out approach, but I guess they will save more by making you redundant instead.

Hopefully you get a nice payout and find a new job sharpish!
I'm sorry to hear that, lots of it going around at the moment, I am at risk of redundancy myself and waiting to hear, all though it sounds like you one the decision has been made.

Best of luck.
Honestly my suggestion would be to consider offering voluntary redundancy for an enhanced offer if you feel you can get a new job quickly.

Redundancies are often already decided before you find out, and as much as they are giving you a consultation period to see what other options there are, you’re likely going so you may as well save yourself the heartache and offer them to give you an offer before they incur loads of time and cost into their extravagant exercise they have to show they did.
I thought only a position can be made redundant not a specific person. When I was made redundant it was the whole team, in the end only two ended up going.
Sorry to hear it chap. I took "voluntary" leavers/redundancy. Wasn't much of a choice really for me personally, as the alternative was a new position I hated and couldn't do, so took the offer and left end of July. Now retraining into a different field, but will have to look at much lower paid jobs instead as I have no direct experience.

exactly and then they cant employ someone to take your role too

They get around it some way or another. Same type of role, different title, tweaked job description, lower wage. It happened countless time where I worked. Two tier workforce, new guys doing the same job for less, worse terms etc. Then try to push the older better paid guys out.
Thanks for the support, apprecaite it.

I have asked about VR and if there is more £££ on the table, just waiting to hear back, as well as how many others are being made redundant at the same time. I am very interested to know how I was selected?

I work in Cyber Security, my role is a Security Ops Specialist, I am the only Specialist in the company. The new starters are Grad Analysts, so they get them on the cheap, direct from Uni.

Have been in contact with the DWP, uploaded my CV to LinkedIn, I'm actually surprised on the response on LinkedIn, I have an interview tomorrow already.
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I've just been informed by my managers' Manager, that I have been selected for redundancy.

Not been in this situation before, so not sure on what to expect.

From what I have gathered, it looks like a cost cutting exercise across the UK. Although I am the only one in my team who has been selected (they have just employed 2 new graduate analysts).

Have been with my current employer for the past 8 years, it comes as a complete shock.

Just been applying for new jobs, not sure what else I can do, until the company get in touch.

Just had this myself after 14 years at the company and the process has just finished. (I did not end up losing my job) - Not a nice thing to go through at all :(
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Thanks for the support, apprecaite it.

I have asked about VR and if there is more £££ on the table, just waiting to hear back, as well as how many others are being made redundant at the same time. I am very interested to know how I was selected?

I work in Cyber Security, my role is a Security Ops Specialist, I am the only Specialist in the company. The new starters are Grad Analysts, so they get them on the cheap, direct from Uni.

Have been in contact with the DWP, uploaded my CV to LinkedIn, I'm actually surprised on the response on LinkedIn, I have an interview tomorrow already.
You're in a very competitive industry and I am not surprised that you've got an interview tomorrow. Get talking to niche recruiters in your industry and start going from there. Get your current employer to pay to get rid of you and use the funds for a rainy day fund or a nice holiday :)
I got made redundant in 2009, after 4 years. Went back to my job after about 10 months. So I'm guessing it was a knee jerk reaction and then they panicked they had no experience staff.
Still there, unfortunately. Still the redundancy money paid for a nice holiday and part of a new car.
Thanks for the support, apprecaite it.

I have asked about VR and if there is more £££ on the table, just waiting to hear back, as well as how many others are being made redundant at the same time. I am very interested to know how I was selected?

I work in Cyber Security, my role is a Security Ops Specialist, I am the only Specialist in the company. The new starters are Grad Analysts, so they get them on the cheap, direct from Uni.

Have been in contact with the DWP, uploaded my CV to LinkedIn, I'm actually surprised on the response on LinkedIn, I have an interview tomorrow already.

You may look upon this as a good thing if you've already got interviews and are in a skilled job. I've been made redundant more than once. A couple of times I made good money out of it and walked into new jobs without a gap.

I wouldn't go too far down the 'why me' route TBH. It sounds like they've simply decided to go cheap and HR are typically very good at advising what roles can and can't be advertised or filled after someone has been let go in this way so I doubt there'll be much to gain.
Thanks for the support, apprecaite it.

I have asked about VR and if there is more £££ on the table, just waiting to hear back, as well as how many others are being made redundant at the same time. I am very interested to know how I was selected?

I work in Cyber Security, my role is a Security Ops Specialist, I am the only Specialist in the company. The new starters are Grad Analysts, so they get them on the cheap, direct from Uni.

Have been in contact with the DWP, uploaded my CV to LinkedIn, I'm actually surprised on the response on LinkedIn, I have an interview tomorrow already.
If you're in consultation then they have to give you the time off for the Interview, HOWEVER, if you leave before you're made redundant then you lose all payoffs and redundancy payments. Make sure your new company, if successful, is aware that you likely won't be able to start immediately and that you won't waive your redundancy payment unless they can match it as a starting bonus. Also, don't allow the new company to low-ball their offer, thinking that you're £30k to the good so won't 'need' a competitive wage.

We had a period of consultation at my workplace with, really, too many people but the teams involved were split across London and Scotland offices. All the Scottish staff got kept on so it felt like a way to get rid of the higher paid London staff.
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That's got to set huge alarm bells going though...

Is what it is... But yea doesn't exactly make you feel good or inspire confidence. I was just as ready to walk tbh had it went that way. Like a lot here it seems to be a shift to try and get rid of higher paid long term staff.
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If you're in consultation then they have to give you the time off for the Interview, HOWEVER, if you leave before you're made redundant then you lose all payoffs and redundancy payments. Make sure your new company, if successful, is aware that you likely won't be able to start immediately and that you won't waive your redundancy payment unless they can match it as a starting bonus. Also, don't allow the new company to low-ball their offer, thinking that you're £30k to the good so won't 'need' a competitive wage.

We had a period of consultation at my workplace with, really, too many people but the teams involved were split across London and Scotland offices. All the Scottish staff got kept on so it felt like a way to get rid of the higher paid London staff.
Just to add to this, redundancy payments are not subject to income tax and NI so any signing bonus should take this into consideration.
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