Relaxing game suggestions.

@ree I have over 1200 hours on ETS2. I love it to death. Get Radios in game, Vr headset if you got one, with a wheel and pedals and it's so immersive, and relaxing it's unreal.

av got nowhere near that amount of hours into them but i just find if i need to chill i just put the radio on and go do a job and by time am done thats me. not played in a wee while though as i've been getting constant new games recently.
Think I'm going to have to get myself a VR headset. I like the idea of trundling along in a truck, listening to the radio.
RDR2 as others have said. Great for riding your horse and going fishing down by a stream.

Terraria, Minecraft, maybe Pokémon?
I love Minecraft and the exploration of a new world. Make a bed quickly and you can avoid the nights.

Euro Truck 2 is really great. Put the radio on and enjoy driving across Europe.
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