Release the static !!

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai

Before I go building my new system, what is the best way to discharge static from your body ?
(without invetsing in one of them daft anti-static bracelets)

I was just contemplating touching the cooker and then wearing foam bottomed sandals :D
As Tikler says a radiator should be earthed so I'd suggest touching the bare metal of one and that should discharge any static electricity. You can leave the PSU plugged in but not switched on and touch that also as it connects to the earth in the plug socket.

In all honesty though unless you have a penchant for running around nylon carpets and wearing man-made fibres then you will probably be fine regardless. :)
Yeap, the most you have to do is to fit the PSU in, and plug it in but leave it switched off. On a home build we don't need things like antistatic wrist straps as we have a convenient earth pin on our plugs.
could always wear a pair of plastic gloves that you can pick up from most petrol stations. they are free normally.
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