Was great fun! I killed some people! Don't play FPS' anymore, mainly play RTS games.

Main issue was feeding Jake the Snake so many times !
guys i was wandering if you can help me ?

i have 2 x 144hz moniors 1 for gaming the other for streaming chat, the one is connected with dvi to dvi running at 144hz but my other which is connected by dp to dvi seems locked at 60hz ? any suggestions on this ? i'm running a 1070 graphics card

could this be because dp to dvi is only able to operate at 1920 x 1200 ?

cheers mark
guys i was wandering if you can help me ?

i have 2 x 144hz moniors 1 for gaming the other for streaming chat, the one is connected with dvi to dvi running at 144hz but my other which is connected by dp to dvi seems locked at 60hz ? any suggestions on this ? i'm running a 1070 graphics card

could this be because dp to dvi is only able to operate at 1920 x 1200 ?

cheers mark

Is the cable a dual-link DVI or single link? If it's single link that's most likely the problem.
We're mixing it up this week!

Tuesday - Dying Light

Thursday - TBC

Tuesday Lineup confirmed as follows: -

Gane aka "Mega Jeans"
Ethan aka "Queef"
Alex aka "Pipe"
Ben aka "Beagles"

With yours truly on hosting duties. Expect lots of zombies and parkour shenanigans!
hi mate the one monitor im ruinning dvi to dvi which is setting at 144hz the 2nd monitor im using display port to dvi, but it seems locked at 60hz

No idea then mate unless your mon 1 is running at 1080p or below.

Looks like this is a game in which @fiveub 's driving skills would come in handy!

Something you know, something you don't!

Tuesday - PUBG

Thursday - State of Decay 2

Tuesday Lineup confirmed as follows: -

Gane aka "Mega Jeans"
Alex aka "Pipe"
Ben aka "Beagles"

With yours truly on hosting duties. See you soon!
Looking forward to watching the guys stumble through a new game tonight. Also looking forward to the sad sad moment one of the guys gets infected and has to be, with extreme reticence mind, euthanised...

Lineup for Thursday as follows: -

State of Decay 2

Glen aka "ChugNorris"
Gane aka "MegaJeans"
Sam aka "Ham Sarvey"
Ben aka "Beagles"

With NikTheSHNIK on host duties. Had a quick play on it, seems pretty fun to be honest! Will be interesting to see what you guys think of it!

Lineup for Thursday as follows: -

State of Decay 2

Glen aka "ChugNorris"
Gane aka "MegaJeans"
Sam aka "Ham Sarvey"
Ben aka "Beagles"

With NikTheSHNIK on host duties. Had a quick play on it, seems pretty fun to be honest! Will be interesting to see what you guys think of it!


nice one gents
No State of Decay 2 last night, due to Microsoft "Microsofting" but one chicken dinner and @TwsT was so close to a second he could taste it, and it tasted salty...

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