Removing blur from photo - plea for help!

18 Oct 2002
I know nothing about photography, so you'll have to bear with me here.

I took a photo (which is really rather terrible) the other day whilst at the airport with my Blackberry. As its a picture which is quite special to me, I wonder if you could help me restore it to how it should be.
Basically, its blurred. If anybody could point me in the right direction or maybe correct it for me, I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks in advance :)

Ta. I have hit it with lots of sharpening and a little more contrast and got something a *little* better. I've emailed you through your trust. When you reply, I'll send you a copy (I can't upload to my host from here).

You can see from the lights that the blur is motion blur, which is exactly the thing sort of thing that Adobe is working on. Ask again in a couple of years...

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