Removing kitchen tap flexi?



16 Mar 2004
Anyone know how to get the flexible hoses off a kitchen tap? One has a split in so need to replace it but cannot figure out how to remove it from the tap end.

Bad picture, there are four flexi a pipes in there, so basically no room to get anything in!


It seems to be much tighter than that - the flexi just collapses if you try and twist it, pliers on the top of the fixing gives me almost no purchase but also doesn’t shift it at all
So it was on pretty tight - had to use mini vice-grips to gradually pull and twist it until I got the pipe off, leaving just the fitting. Then I could get my tap spanner on the end and undo it.

Made much harder by there being so little space - 4 ends because it is a boiling water tap, so hot, cold, filtered cold and boiling. Nice to have but a bit of a pain to fix!


RTFM - I think these specifically say they should only ever be finger tight?

I say that because I accidently went to town on mine and now I know if I ever undo it, the o-ring will be toast :p
So it was on pretty tight - had to use mini vice-grips to gradually pull and twist it until I got the pipe off, leaving just the fitting. Then I could get my tap spanner on the end and undo it.

Made much harder by there being so little space - 4 ends because it is a boiling water tap, so hot, cold, filtered cold and boiling. Nice to have but a bit of a pain to fix!


Thanks for the info
I had been in the building trade for 40 years but had not seen a tap like this before :)
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