It’s not an answer to your question, but I’m very jealous. My wife’s father was Irish so she can apply for an EU passport I believe; unfortunately I’m not so lucky.
You still get all the same benefits though when trvelling with her. It's the way i've moved to Spain
If she wasn't born in Ireland she'll have to go the 'Foreign Birth Register' route, which is taking a long time currently (2 years last I heard) before she can then apply for the passport.
It's sped up a LOT. When we applied in around April 22 it took around a year, but they had really ramped up processing. Obviously i don't know if it's still at that level or dropped back down, but i was seeing some processed in 6 months. @GordyR if going that route, there's a Foreign Births Registrar group on Facebook which has loads of great advice.
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