Replacement for HD595

20 Oct 2002
North West
I've just ordered an AE-5 to replace my Titanium HD as I started to get issues with the card. I've had the 595s headphones for pretty much 12 years. I'd probably look to get a modmic 5 too.

Saw the AKG715s for a decent price...but generally like Sennheiser.
I use the AKG 712's (I assume you mean 712 and not 715 which do not exist AFAIK) and they are very nice. For gaming I absolutely love mine. The soundstage on them is very absorbing and while personally not a fan of 7.1 surround sound stuff in headphones, the 712's do work very well with them.

HD660S is another option as PapaLazaru mentioned. While I have not used them myself I have heard great things. Another option however could also be Sennheiser HD6XX (Identical to the HD650, infact packaging on this has HD650 stamped in some places on box) and / or HD58x. I own both of these and they are also similarly superb. Would be from Massdrop for latter two, but the HD6XX will set you back around £225 once you pay import charges and Customs.
Lucky you for HD595 lasting that long.
Or are those about completely covered in glue and duct tape?
Mine started crumbling after 2½ years...

What are you using them for and do you prefer best details or some above neutral strength in bass?

If music then HD6xx serie with its variants is sure famous.
But if you're playing gaming (+movies) that smoothed treble "warm" sound takes a dump on binaural cues, by basically decreasing signal reproduction accuracy.
Stereo sound like music simply cares little for accuracy to sound good, but binaural sound needs it.
For that "detail whoring" in games AKG K702 designed for neutral analytical sound would be higher up from HD595.
K712 again has very good bass immersion, though obviously that can make foot steps etc harder to distinguish from simultaneous low frequency sounds.
Stick with the 595's , nothing else sounds like them or will be as comfy as a nice and floppy 12 year old pair.
Although my DT 880's sound great and can imagine after a decade they will be as comfy.
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