Replacement graphic card

7 Jan 2005
I had to rma a card of mine that had broke. I had a e-mail saying what they was sending back which was a 7950gt. The ony problem i have with this is that the card i have is only a x8 pcie slot and the new card is x16 so it is not any good to me. Do i have a right to not accept it because it is no good to me and will only be sitting in my shed.

Im not after a full refund im just after soming that works or a little refund because i have no comp and will have to upgrade it all just because of this.
Aelred89 said:
You're one lucky dude :rolleyes:

yep but a card that dont work in my comp no good to me so there wasnt much good to me. With overclockers being such a good company that realy all they could do. That why i reconmend every one to them and allways spend my money there.
No it doesn't. It says you should have a vacant PCI-E x16 slot. It will work fine in a PCI-E x8 slot, as that's what most SLi boards run the two cards at (2x PCI-E x8) and you can SLi 7950GTs fine.
here a pic of what is says

Are there any motherboards that actually provide a pyshical 8X slot. I don't remember seeing any.

Chances are that you have a physical 16x slot, but that it only runs at 8x. If that is the case then the graphics card would have worked.
Benjarghmin said:
I've got a 16x and a 8x slot on my motherboard. My 7950GT fits fine into my 8x.

Physically both the slots on the Asus M2N-SLI are 16x slots, although only one will run at 16x. The other will run at 8x.

This is why I was saying that I don't remember seeing any physical 8x slots on a motherboard. Most motherboards used a 16x slot but only ran it at 8x. Of course, newer motherboards run both at 16x.
i was reading about this the other day, and i 100% assure you that your 16x card WILL run in a 8x slot, just a small mod on the slot is needed, its so easy to do, i could get my two year old to do it.

im suprised none of you have mentioned this.

let me know if you want more details.
I don't see how a 16x card could fit in a smaller 8x slot unless you can cut the end of the socket and hang some of the card out the end ... What is it that you mean?

I know some manufacturers stick a 16x-size socket on their mobos but add little plastic dividers into the socket so it can only take 8x cards. In that case you just need to cut out the plastic dividers that the manufacturer has stuck in the socket.
custom pc mag did one. just dremel a small incision at the end of the slot, and then put some electrical tape over the contacts on the card that hang over, no loss of frames, no mishaps, works a charm.
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