Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Just noticed this on steam so thought I'd share it. I've not read anything about this remastered HD version of the game and was surprised it popped up on my recommended thing!

About the Game
The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil.

In 1998 a special forces team is sent to investigate some bizarre murders on the outskirts of Raccoon City. Upon arriving they are attacked by a pack of blood-thirsty dogs and are forced to take cover in a nearby mansion. But the scent of death hangs heavy in the air. Supplies are scarce as they struggle to stay alive.

More detailed graphics that retain the horror.
The environments come alive with detail thanks to resolution upgrades and non-static 3D models.
Post-processing effects like Bloom filters, which were not easy to do at the time of the original release, have been added to make the HD graphics even more realistic.
High-Resolution Environments - We've increased the resolution of the background environments by recreating them with a mix of high-res static images, plus animated 3D models.

Widescreen Support
Widescreen (16:9) is supported, so players can experience a greater sense of immersion.
In widescreen mode, the screen will scroll. The parts of the screen that get cut off on the top and bottom will scroll into view automatically depending on the character's position.
You can switch the display mode during gameplay in real time.

Sound & New Controls
High-Quality Sound - The audio has been remastered to increase the sampling rate, and of course 5.1ch output is also now supported.
New Controls
You can play using the original control scheme or an alternate control scheme that lets you just push the analog stick to move in the direction you want to go.
You can switch the control scheme during gameplay in real time.

Can't wait :D
I think this is a mistake. I loved RE1 when it came out but i can't see the game mechanics aging well.

I played through it again last year on a PS vita and its still surprisingly easy to get use to the controls. I think due to them being so restrictive, it raises the tension of the game, especially on boss fights.
Hope they don't ruin it. I hate what capcom started to do with the resident evil games. Especially re6. Up untill 3 was great for me as survival horror games.

I liked re4 but it wasn't a "resident evil survival horror) that I expected but none the less I enjoyed it.

Re5...... Terrible
Re6......even more terrible to much Hollywood action going on

I just hope this remake doesn't get actionified

I agree with that. RE5 didn't feel like a RE game and 6 was just a mess. However, they got back on form with revelations in my opinion, especially on the more difficult settings.
I never played revelations. Due to the previous launches. Worth a play then ?

Definitely. More interesting storyline and the higher difficulties really make it a true survival horror. You have to scavenge for ammo on the insane difficulty, even if you start with the weapons you finished a normal run through with. Due to that, its even better the second time round!
Can't wait for this! Preloaded and ready to go. Wanted it on my ps4 but sony missed a trick and put the preordering so late it's daft, especially considering the crap download rate on their network anyway.

Started doing a commentary free playthrough of this and I'm loving it. I didn't realise that some of the puzzles and areas were completely new compared to the original game, which is the one I've completed quite a few times. Really enjoying it so far.
The zombies that run at you and have claws are very hard to kill unless you have shotgun/grenade launcher ammo! I've been burning pretty much any body I come across but theres a few that seem unavoidable that really raises the tension, especially when you go to back to an area and the body is missing....

Just done the first boss (snake thinger) and that was pretty straight forward and still has the game saving mechanic with barry if you forget to bring the serum along as Jill, so I doubt chris is as lucky lol.
May have to give this a go. Last time I played this was back in 1996!

1996? You've not played this version then? :p it differs from the original game back in 96! Much more content and places to explore. Edit : new enemies too. :)

Yeah its quite a bit different to the original game as there are new puzzles, new areas and new enemies also. Most of the original puzzles are still in the game in some form or another but the order which you do things also seems different, which has thrown me quite a few times so far. Really enjoying it though and I'm 3 hours in.
I got lured into a false sense of security in regards to how easy the game seemed to be, yet I now have 1 pistol round left and that's it :S
not sure I like this version, doors are locked which didn't used to be the new areas make it harder to navigate I don't know what im doing in this one.. I still have a detailed memory of every room layout in the 96 version, THEY LOCKED THE PIANO ROOM! I can't play this :(

Ha yeah same, its very confusing if you remember the puzzles for the 1996 original. Quite a few of them still remain though, but the order of things seems a bit different from what I can remember though. Maybe its just the new stuff confusing me further.
Even though this is dated looking the gameplay is king its not until you sink 4-5 hours in & look at the clock do you realise how much actual gameplay there is (even if a lot of it is revisiting the same locations).

I like some of the new touches Capcom have added as well as the new locations if your a RE fan its well worth buying IMO.

Aye it's very good for pacing too, which I didn't really rate the original for as you ended up getting the best guns in the first 2-3 hours then it was easy, but in this the ammo seems to dry up at that point to keep it hard (harder than the start too IMO due to enemy types).

It's a must buy for RE fans and should be strongly considered for people who like proper survival horror games with a pretty decent plot that utilises the environment for clever puzzles.
I've burned around 50% of zombies and decapitated another 25% roughly so far. The harder versions of them make the pistol useless.
Just finished this on medium as Jill but might as well have played it on hard as I thought the magnum was in the labs and ended up completing the game without it, even though I had 18 rounds for it in storage lol. I was wondering why I was so short of ammo all the time after the mid point (as in, 0 pistol rounds, 0 shotgun rounds and 3 grenade rounds when I entered the labs...) Got the ending I never got in the original as well so I'm happy about that.

Gonna give it a few days and then go back as chris and see whats different.
Very true, but I think it has a market. It was the best of the series I would buy it in a flash.

It would sell like hot cakes so they'd easily get the money back that they invested into it, same if they did RE3 after it. I'd have happily paid £30 for RE1 remastered HD due to its quality and it was just a bonus that it was less than £20 at launch!
No, it would look great remade.

Remastering is improving what's already there. In RE2's case, What's already there looks like dog crap.

Its one of those games though where the graphics don't actually matter as the gameplay is what drives fans to the series anyway. Look at resident evil revelations as a more recent example where its a port from the 3DS and has some super low res textures like this I took:

Resident Evil Revelations PC by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

If they literally just redo the character models I'd honestly buy it anyway.
The 3DS game still looks 10 times better than Resident Evil 2.

You're talking about 14 years worth of technology advancements since RE2's release on PS1 to the 3DS release.

The Playstation 1 had 2MB Ram and 1MB V-Ram!

The 3DS has 128MB which might seem paltry but is still 64x times as much.

It's not the same. It would look horrendous on modern screens.

Yeah but the newer game has a FAR more advanced engine even on the 3DS. Updating backgrounds from what are likely to be high quality renders wouldn't take that long, neither would the updated character models. Theres rumours that its already been done and it'll be released in september this year too!
You'd need new dialogue, cutscenes, animation - loads of things they didn't need to do when they remastered Resident Evil from the Gamecube version.

For a game that'll earn them a crapload of cash, its not that hard on the imagination to be fair mate.
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