Resident Evil [Netflix] TV Series

Is it so bad it’s unwatchable? I’ve got quite a tolerance when it comes to zombies and vampires, I’ll happily watch some guff if I’m half invested (Van Helsing, Fear the Walking Dead) but this sounds awful from what I’ve read.
Same when it comes to Zombies lol. It's got some slow draft parts. but there is parts where your chuckling. There is been worse.
I personally thought the reviews were a little harsh. Yes it wasn't the greatest and the story and character interactions were stupid and boring at times. However it wasn't to say it was all bad. There were parts and Easter eggs that was entertaining which kept me watching. Certain parts was executed poorly but had merit.

How does this compare to the Resident Evil show that was released last year on Netflix, the cgi one? I remember watching 15 minutes of that and turning it off. Most did not like that either. Is this worse?

No nowhere near. I would watch this over that CGi mess anyday.
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I'm up to around the end of the third episode and don't know if I'll bother carrying on. I might do, depends on what takes my fancy later.

So far, I've preferred the story between the two sisters to the bit set years later.

Having said that, I did quite enjoy the appearance of the huge spider...

The first half the series is pretty slow and the teenage drama doesnt help. Last 2 episodes are pretty crazy and more to RE vibe. If you like the
you havent seen anything yet :D
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