Resignation via e-mail.

With the amount of work that has come in I wouldn't be surprised if he is still there now!

In situations like this I come in at 7.30, and when my manager walks in I get him in a room before he has a chance to open his computer and we have a chat.

I usually have a tea ready for him (as a "thanks for this last minute meeting - here's a tea, but we need to talk").
Ideally placing the letter on his desk. If you want to go a roundabout way about it then mail it to him for next day.

At this point I think email will be what you need.
Send him an email explaining why you have sent an e-mail as a resignation . At the very least your notice /resignation date is recorded.

Also add that you are happy to discuss any issue or concerns for him .
I would write it on toilet paper, then remove all toilet roll from the stalls. When he goes, follow him, and when he needs it just hand it to him and let him read it while he wipes.


I'd have done it by letter, left on his desk and explained in the letter why I had done it that way instead of face to face.
facepalm - literally just grab him/her and ask for two minutes - what happens if it was a genuine emergency. If you get fobbed off then I'd agree with sending an email but at least try.
Could have just e-mailed him requesting a meeting... he'd gave at least seen it at lunch. Failing that then you send the resignation e-mail to get it in with a date starting today - but obvs inc an explanation and request for a meeting.
Or if he was at your wedding, assume you have his mobile number. Drop him a text "I could really do with a chat tomorrow about something quite urgent, I understand you're really busy but I would really appreciate it if we could grab a coffee"
Or if he was at your wedding, assume you have his mobile number. Drop him a text "I could really do with a chat tomorrow about something quite urgent, I understand you're really busy but I would really appreciate it if we could grab a coffee"

He was the only staff member that couldn't make it actually, his kids were competing in an event.

Managed to get it done this morning, after I got to work 15 minutes late due to a car issue, guess I won't have that problem in future :)

Time to start eyeing up cars with large petrol engines rather than another 2.0 Diesel, woop!
Personally I would print out the letter, seal it in an envelope and leave it on his desk. They'll need it in writing anyway.

emails are writing in a legal sense. However I just handed mine in as a pdf attached to an email. But I did manage to verbally warn my ops manager that it was on its way. I was never asked for a paper copy.
So you really couldn't spend 5 minutes before / after work? Why not get to work a little earlier, or send him an email asking an urgent chat?

I'd personally prefer to tell him to his face, and then hand him a letter to make it "official". You say you like the guy, so show him some respect by telling him face to face!

I will be handing in my notice shortly, and will be doing it by face to face followed up with a letter.

Edit: I see you've done it - well done, and good luck in your new role. :)
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