Responsive designs

I don't get why you'd really use media queries with a fluid design. If the design is properly fluid then surely you don't need break points it just keeps scaling?

Well, it's the best of both worlds, really.
You use breakpoints to get your device optimised layout and then the fluidity covers the devices that are inbetween your breakpoints.

As an example, this site uses breakpoints only.

While this one uses breakpoints with a fluid design.
You totally can ignore it, it's not necessarily relevant to you. But the cost of supporting it is.

How can it not be relevant?
I think you're missing the point of responsive design.

It's not just adapting your site so that it's optimised for mobile, it's adapting your site so that it's optimised for any device being used to look at it.

If you have no idea how many of your users are using mobiles or tablets to view your site, you're really not doing your job very well.

While I'll admit that if your site only has like 1% mobile/tablet traffic, there is little point in worrying about responsive design yet, but if that % is the same as some of the browsers you support, can you not see how it would be silly to ignore it?
I probably should have justified my link more, but Twitter Bootstrap is a great way of building responsive sites without a lot of effort. Just use their scaffolding which blends well with most styles of websites and job done. It's a fantastic open source project.
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