Retrieve files from fried hard disc????

2 Oct 2006
Basically bout half a year ago on boot up, I was in my case (like you do) I pushed the molex in further because it looked loose and then a noise... and a smell ... and one dead hard disc :( All the pictures from holidays ect were on it and never backed them up (it'll never happen to me mentality...doh).

Ever since people have been asking bout the pictures, lil media projects ect and i dont have the heart to tell them there all lost.

I tried using the sata power cable but that does not work either? :(

Its was a sata 2 western digital caviar (wish I had not used the molex!!!) is there anything I can do to revtrieve the data or it is all just gone?

Yellowbeard said:
If you find the component(s) that were burned, and they are on the PCB, you may be able to simply replace the PCB on the drive long enough to retrieve the data.

WOW REALLY? is there any online guides or anything? has it been done?
Do I get another one (of the identical hard disc?) and remove and swop the green circuitry?

thanks... whilst there is still hope I am a happy man :p
rpstewart said:
Yup, ideally it needs to be the same make, model and revision as the duffer, it's a reasonably new drive so you might get lucky.

As with all these sorts of things there's no guarantee that it'll work but it's worth a shot and if you're careful you'll be able to put the donor drive back together and use it once you're done.

do I just need a hard disc screw driver? is there such thing? how do I get the same 'model and revision'? any tips? ;)

ps thanks for your help i do apprieciate it :D
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