Retro Gaming Builds

That’s great. I really tried to educate the boy, but he loves Macs and plays on consoles. It breaks my heart :p

Eww. Just eww.

Thanks for the comments guys. Perhaps a mod could move this thread over to the Retro gaming sub forum? Seems more appropriate over there now. Don't think it existed when I started this.

Was contemplating buying some appropriate graphics cards today (GeForce 2 MX, 3D Prophet 4000XT, Matrox G450, Savage 4 Pro S540) to benchmark on it but came to the conclusion I have the best card already (Voodoo 3) and my CPU isn't really powerful enough for anything better. Ordered just the 4000XT (needs a new heatsink/fan so was quite cheap) as that was the first video card I ever bought and will be good to see what improvements it offers over the Voodoo.

Have ordered some more blank CD-Rs and an SD to IDE adapter though, as nice as the hard drive noises are.
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Casually browsing eBay for retro bargains...|parentrq:32ee975116c0aad9a21d0674fffef35c|iid:3

Is that an OcUK sticker on the case? :cool:

Not impressed by the PCChips motherboard though... :p

In other news, I got a Pentium II 450MHz off eBay for £8 but it appears to be faulty (either L2 cache or temperature related) so the seller has refunded me but I might as well try and get it working anyway, as it's a MASSIVE 28.5% increase in clockspeed. Decided to stick with the Voodoo 3 in the end over the 4000XT.
Casually browsing eBay for retro bargains...|parentrq:32ee975116c0aad9a21d0674fffef35c|iid:3

Is that an OcUK sticker on the case? :cool:

Not impressed by the PCChips motherboard though... :p

In other news, I got a Pentium II 450MHz off eBay for £8 but it appears to be faulty (either L2 cache or temperature related) so the seller has refunded me but I might as well try and get it working anyway, as it's a MASSIVE 28.5% increase in clockspeed. Decided to stick with the Voodoo 3 in the end over the 4000XT.
That's not 90s, it's 1GHz+! And is that onboard RAM?
Been a while since I updated this -

I got another Pentium II 450MHz which worked first time, and replaced the HDD with an SD to IDE adapter and a 32GB SD Card - maxes out at 25MB/s due to the chipset but that's plenty fast enough:



Was trying to get Age of Mythology to run on it yesterday to no avail - kept getting an XML parsing error so there was no fonts in the game menus. Tried installing MSXML4.0 but didn't fix it. Think it's a bit too new sadly for this machine anyway, even in the menu it was struggling with the 3D backgrounds.
SD to IDE I didn’t even know this was a thing (where have I been!). I’m tempted to use one of those on my windows 2000 build. I bet it feels a lot faster!
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