“Return of the Living Dead” a different film series. It’s tongue in cheek and fun. Admittedly I’ve only seen the first so I’m not sure how it translates across.
RotLD even starts out with someone saying “hey… did you ever see that film… NIGHT of the living dead…? Well… it was trueeeeee!”
It’s one of my favourite horror films, it’s just daft and bleak at the same time.
RotLD is also, as far as I know, where ‘zombies eating brains’ comes from… or at least where it became popularised. Funny that originates in popularity and ‘zombie lore’ from a comedy film!
It also has the first ‘running zombies’ - again, as far as I know
Finally, I’m pretty sure that ‘Dawn of the Dead’ is widely regarded as the most iconic of the Romero films. This is the one where they take refuge in a mall.