
Hi Kev, similar situation here. My family grew and building PCs took a back seat. Looking to get back up to date with tech and build a new system at some point this year.
My son is starting to get interested in PC gaming. He has a Switch but has recently started playing Fortnite on my PC. Doesn't want to go back to the Switch now. He is looking to get a PC for himself. I think that may be my next project.
I just came back to pc gaming which also took a back seat whilst 3 new family members was growing , now they can eat , drink and misbehave all by themselves I get a few minutes a day to game lol just bought my starter pc from ocuk prebuilt mind as static always seems to hate me.
Returning again myself, not been on the forum for over a year.

Will be good to get more involved again, relative as that may be.
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