Yeh it is rubbish, I mean, that old chesnut "your a slave to government/society" again....
Sure we could all become travellers and gypsies, but without people contributing to a central institution, like a government, we would lose a lot of things we take for granted.
Society and all its creature comforts would disappear, no more computers because the computer people would have to concentrate on where thier next meal is coming from rather than designing new hardware, no more supermarkets because all the staff would be out hunting wild boar, etc.
Society has evolved this way so we can all do our little jobs, and reap the benefits of everone elses work, as others reap the benefits from ours.
Sure there are exeptions and some lucky people are born into circumstance where they are wealthy by default, but hey, no one said life was fair or perfect and our society does at least go some way to allow some freedoms and opportunity, I mean, if I hate my admin job, theres nothing stoppping me becoming a butcher or a plummer, or persuing qualifications to move up the ladder in my current job....or even start my own business....
People think they are hard done by, but we have it very good when you think about it. even in this day and age people are butchered and wiped out by random occurences, life is a lot more fragile than a lot of people realise.