Reversing slot cooling

22 Apr 2006
Arms reach from mouse
I have a pci slot exhaust fan which im currently not using, as it seems to do nothing to help with cooling atm, however i would like it to suck in air and push it out the current intake, so as to provide direct cool air to my graphics from outside the case, which sits on my desk infront of a window.

Could i simply change the two wires (red & black) over to reverse the fan direction or does it not work like this? Dont wanna be blowing up my rig just yet ;)
It might work but it probably won't. Though the motor might spin, the shape of the fan blades is probably wrong to push air through the other side. Perhaps you can re-mount the fans so they are in backwards? That would reverse the flow.
1: The motor won't spin in the opposite direction if you reverse the polarity.
2: If its a centrifugal (blower) fan it wouldn't work backwards anyway.
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