Review: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

Saw it yesterday with my wife. Both of us found it a bit slow and boring, I found myself looking at my watch several times. Not a bad film just not great for me.
Hate to say this but it was rubbish. Nothing held my attention and there didn't seem to be any good plotline or exciting bits... I fell asleep several times.

Still a few bits made me hide :(

BB x
Dano said:
Umbridge was seriously mis-cast in my opinion, along with a few other bits that annoyed the bejeeesus out of me it pretty much ruined the film for me.

She played her role well, and was actually a pretty good actress, even if she annoys the hell out of everyone.
Fraggr said:
She played her role well, and was actually a pretty good actress, even if she annoys the hell out of everyone.

Which was what she was supposed to do!
When I first read the character of Umbridge I almost immediately saw her as Patricia Routeldge/Hyacinth Bucket.
I thought her character was a nice subversive poke at education in the UK today - goody two shoes, wrap them in cotton wool. At least up to the point of writing "lines". That must have hurt more than the cane!

Not a huge Potter fan - essentially the stories are updated 60's prep school (Jennings, anyone) with wizards but at least this one was a bit grittier than some of the earlier works.
Fraggr said:
She played her role well, and was actually a pretty good actress, even if she annoys the hell out of everyone.

Nah, she looked and sounded like she was nervous the whole time, something that didn't happen until Fred and George got well into their reign of chaos in the book.
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