Revolution release date :o(

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
Iawata has hinted (or as good as said) that the Revolution will be comming out around-about Thanksgiving in the US first :(

Bang goes my idea about a stealth unveiling/launch at E3 !!!
You're living in a dream world. We are talking about the same Nintendo aren't we? They wouldn't release the rev as a stealth launch. Surely launching in the US first is a no brainer?
wyrdo said:
So we're talking Spring 07 for Europe? Urgh
Dunno but DS has released in UK just 2 weeks(?) after Japan & US launch which Nintendo have never done it before so hopefully, it will be another one.
barnettgs said:
Dunno but DS has released in UK just 2 weeks(?) after Japan & US launch which Nintendo have never done it before so hopefully, it will be another one.

wasnt the ds launched in march in the UK :confused:
The DS was launched Nov in the USA & Japan and March for Europe. Nintendo have said that they are going to release into the 3 markets as close together as possible. I don't see why this can't be done, their tech should be easier to manufacture than Sony & MS.
Well hopefully they'll try and get all 3 out as close to Christmas as possible then, that'd be good.
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The register has a quote from Nintendo saying it will be out in the U.S. by Thanksgiving, and hinting that it will be a lot cheaper than the 360 "Even if it's a superb machine, it's not going to sell if it's ¥50,000 (£246/$433). We plan to make [Revolution] an affordable price."

MKy guess would be "affordable" in that context probably means sub £200/$300 (and hopefully sub £150)
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