Richard Burns Rally, Resolution problem.Help

27 Apr 2004
Doncaster, S.Yorks
hey guys, im trying to get the resolution in this game to match my monitors 19 WS, which is ive edited the Ini file in the main directory, and it works fine....BUT the hud is half visable and half not and this is the problem ive got...below is an image from the game showing exactly what i mean, resized from original

I hope someone here knows how to rectify this, as playing in 1024x768 its all squashed and the cars look flat and wide

Image was 1440x900 i resized it for the forum.
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To my knowledge there's no workaround for this, since widescreen isn't officially supported... there are all sorts of graphical oddities like that at most widescreen resolutions. To stop the cars looking stretched, you can mess around with the FOV in the camera settings - can't remember exactly which file it is, might be cars/cars.ini. Or use the camhack utility.

absolute nightmare, ive messed around with almost all files on this, ranging from cars to sounds, texture updates, delete this and that, replace this and that...and yet nobody can work out how to get the hud to show in the right place.....nightmare
The hud position is controlled by what is set in the digidash / minidash ini files in the misc folder afaik. You could try copying one, renaming it to *****_1440.ini, edit the position values and see what happens.
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