Richard "Lord British" Garriot's Shroud of the Avatar

31 Jul 2009
Behind You
There were rumblings something was happenning earlier in the year, I randomly poked around to see if there was anything new off the back of the "lets bash ea" thread (hehe), low and behold hes got a $2.5 million kickstarter project on the go with gameplay concept demos already

Good to see he is making games again and like a lot of folks here would love to see a true UO successor.. but part of me is wondering if this is the game we should had seen a decade ago and wether hes taking onboard how much the mmorpg market/playerbase has changed. In the same breath i wonder if the timing is deliberate.. in the sense the market is a lot more flexible than it was when he worked on Tabula Rasa

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hey, thanks :)

Big UO supporter here as well

I'll leave the 3 month there cause its nice to see the progress over time

Did I hear player housing?!

Yeah! The Wizard house looks amazing! All the different houses are shown in the 6 month video! You can set priviledges like you could in UO aswell I believe.
Tabula Rasa had a great core but it was only after it shut down that I found out that the entire lore etc for the game was ripped out and the game initially was going to be nothing like it was at release!

It was a bit like taking Oblivion and making a FPS based in WWII at the last minute.
It's not a band wagon to have an opinion, he put up a lot of money on TR and had a lot of say in it's development so a good chunk of that responsibility lands on him.

I very nearly backed Shroud, but there are several aspect of the game which were very vague during the KS campaign which put me off. I really do hope it's a success and due to the way it's funded I have a feeling it will be, but it's sadly unlikely to be ground breaking.
Halfmad said:
plus this is absolutely nothing like UO.
Eh? Player-owned and internally decorated housing with tons of items and customisation? Yeah that's totally not what UO was like.

I didn't put money into the KS either though, I wasn't sure what to make of it by the media they'd put out. I was slightly worried it was going to be like Runescape.

Besides all that, it looks good so far. I always liked UO's way of interacting with NPCs and it'll be good to use that again. The setting is the same kind of 'mundane' real world look that UO had, but that's because of the world it's set in more than anything. That does tie into my other main gripe - it is not a pretty game. We shall see how it pans out :)
I just donated for this. On their forum they're encouraging people to 'sell' gift donations. So, I sent some guy $25, he sent me back a $45 donation as a Gift (so my account had me at adventurer level). He than gets a £25 referral bonus, so everyone wins really.

You get a few perks for more referrals too, like a pet.

I'd be happy to do this with anyone here, trust me a message if you're interested.
No matter how I sometimes think he has a tenuous link on reality, I still will listen and look at any game he comes up with because of the extraordinary brilliance of what I consider to be one of the top 2 MMOs of all time, UO.

I can even forgive his exploits of going into space, because after all, his father was a record breaking astronaut so I can understand the desire in him to emulate that.
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