US: Rick & Morty


I thought it was gonna be a longer series. I heard it was supposed to be about 13 episodes. DAMN !!
Still, yeah, a good one to go out on :)
Good episode, but kind of a weak finale tbh. I think I'd have felt a lot more satisfied if the Citadel episode had been the finale.

I thought that it was a bit weak too compared to what we have seen so far in just season 3 alone, but its still sad that we are now in THE LONG WAIT again :(

Liked the nod to South Park in the finale, the battle reminded me of the Family guy with the Chicken fights.
Wasn't a huge fan of the final ep to be honest. The fight with the president felt like a bit of a rehash of the fight with Jaguar and really the entire episode was a bit..bleh. That said, this is only in comparison to some of the other amazing episodes (especially the season finales) so it was still a really fun watch.
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