Ridge Racer 6 - Q

Well thats just stupid imo. I was playing online I got a good speed start, but I hit back of a guy who wasn't moving. So i'm stuck and out of the game. :(
You're not able to reverse in a driving game? That might just be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. You might as well remove the pass button from a football game (though didn't they do that in Fifa 99? Or was it just removing the need for it? ;)).
Dont think u can do it on RR on the PSP neither come to think of it

You made me wonder saying that so I just whipped out my psp and no u can't reverse :eek: Never needed reverse though so it kinda makes sense in a weird way.
I love RR on my PSP and have it on pre-order for my 360, but I've never needed to reverse! Can't help wishing i didn't find out about the lack of reverse it's kind of tarnished the game in a strange way :(
The thing is though, i think it is also imposible to go like any more than 80-90 degrees ech way of forward. although i might be wrong

Not sure I know what you mean?

As far as reverse is concerned, I dont recall ever being able to reverse in any RR game. Its not exactly known for its realism so I doubt they thought you would need it. If you need to face the other direction just do a 180 drift :p
just keep accelerating into a barrier , ..eventually you will face the right way.Having no reverse helps stop the idiots going the wrong way around the track which has got to be a good thing.This is a great online multiplayer arcade racer especially when there are 14 players in.
US version plays on Pal machine too
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