Rift audio mirroring - pitch drift bug

2 Nov 2013
I suffer from the Rift Audio Mirroring bug where the pitch gradually changes. Anyone else had this, and have a fix?

If there's nothing simpler, I've seen a quite clever workaround using a batch file to repeatedly change the volume up and down a single step, as this resets the problem each time.

Send {Volume_Up}
Send {Volume_Down}
sleep, 5000

But it's years since I've done this kind of thing, and I can't remember how exactly.

I'm assuming that sleep command is standard? And is it measured in seconds, meaning 5000 seems rather high, maybe 100 would be better.

And the next question, if this'll work, is - how do you then cancel it? Will it run in a CMD window I can just close?
Thanks - you're 100% right! I had misunderstood the solution they were presenting.

I've never used autohotkey (or even heard of it before). Is it a safe resource to use?
Thanks for the advice. I've edited it slightly so I can end the infinite loop at will:

Send {Volume_Up}
Send {Volume_Down}
sleep, 5000


The only downside currently is that changing the volume like this causes a GUI volume bar to appear on my screen for a second. I'm wondering what other adjustment would 'reset' the problem but without that side effect. I'll have a think about it.
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