RIP Calibri. All hail Aptos, our new font overlord.

Lowercase L =/= I is an improvement. Such a basic thing that fonts get wrong.

e: beaten!
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the lower case l's an aberration, breaks up the aesthetic flow of text, don't want that for code development , droid for ever.
maybe if you have downsized fonts to minsiscule size l helps eg. phones, but android has different fonts.

more interesting to the OC'er

What you need to know​

  • Microsoft first announced 3D Emojis to be a part of Windows 11 nearly 2 years ago.
  • When Windows 11 launched, the 3D emojis were nowhere to be seen, causing some Windows users to take to social media to air their grievances.
  • The 3D emojis have suddenly returned in the latest Windows Insider Preview Build (25905), but only for those on the Canary Channel.

It’s all about Trebuchet MS

I didn't need to open this thread to know you would have posted this.
I don't think that enough people notice that most computer fonts refuse to use the small case a as you would handwrite it.
I handwrite "a" like most computer fonts.

As for Aptos, it's no Helvetica or Proxima Nova, but it will do.
I see they fixed the lower case "L" to now not look like an uppercase "I" and more different between them and number 1 which is much better. Same for zero vs "O" I think.
My pet peeve is fonts which connect the dot above the i with the stem below it.
So not only do l I | ¦ look the same, but i does too.
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I like it, but then I liked Calibre as well.

Now if someone could suggest a good font for programming on the Mac I would appreciate it. I just use the default one in Visual Studio Code.
I think we need to change all the fonts on the forum to comic sans.
EH? :confused:

Back from Annual leave today, Aptos has now been set as my default font on the Outlook beta build.
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