RIP forum member Jono

I’m so gutted and upset, he was a true gent and I spent so much time chatting with him back in the MSN days, we shared a passion for music and a lot of other geeky things, he even sent me some books for free to help me get through uni.

RIP mate, hope you’re in a much happier place now.

sad times but a nice story.
Out of posting retirement to say how gutted I am about Jono’s passing. The last conversation I had with him, a few days before he died, was him realising we had been friends for 7 years, and me asking what I was going to do without him. He told me to get more cats, that was Jono all over, always cracking jokes, even when he was in so much pain.

Can’t believe he’s gone, it still hasn’t sunk in. :(
I'm sure Jono was one of the team members that played Dayz with us on DE4 when it first came out. Good laugh on the server.

RIP man!
I can’t believe it. We used to go to the gym together when we both lived in Bristol but we lost touch in recent years.
Such a nice bloke, RIP.
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