RIP iPhone

18 Oct 2002

Had a bit of a boating accident with my iPhone on Saturday and it's well and truly dead. If anyone was wondering, they don't like salt water much.

Going to have to claim on the old insurance but a £25 excess is better than paying the full price to replace it.

Managed to drop my 3G in water a couple of weeks ago, It was completly dead, I was gutted, so I bought a cheap phone to last me till the next Iphone comes out

I have had it drying out in a small sealed container, filled with those silica gel packets that come in electronic equipment boxes

plugged in the charger after a week, there was no backlight, but I could see a faint image on the screen of the battery charging, would not turn on though, and wouldnt connect to pc, so i put it back in the container for a few more days

tried a couple of days ago, still no backlight, but its now turning on, can faintly see my home screen, touchscreen is working, and can make calls
I think at least I got a phone, put back in container for a couple more days

tried this morning, WOW :eek: backlight comes on everything seems to be working (touch wood), well chuffed, but gonna leave it in the container a few more days, to make sure its completely dry
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Was it salt water or fresh? I would try that but for the sake of £25 I could have a nice shiny new phone...

One thing I'm not sure about is this:

When I get the new one will I be able to sync everything as normal when I plug it in to my MBP?


Well I'm very impressed with O2. Phoned them this morning and I will have a new phone delivered to work by the end of play tomorrow!

Cheers for the reassurance Am. :)

I got insurance direct with O2, dropped my old 2g iPhone whilst out in London and broke the "silent switch" on the side and the vibrate function went as well. Called them up and they sent me a new 3g one out the next day! :D
Yeah I'm on O2 contract - £35 a month tariff with the O2 Premier cover for an extra £7.50 or something a month.

I phoned up, told them that I was out on a boat on Saturday, we got swamped by a big wave and the bag containing my phone got soaked through, resulting in a dead iPhone.

The nice O2 lady said; "no worries, we'll get you a replacement tomorrow" or words to that effect and after confirming the £25 excess I went on my merry way. :D

This thread fails to deliver, i was expecting the iphone in general not your personal one :(


I think all Mr White does seems to be troll iPhone posts in all parts of the forums, seems to be a trend I'm noticing.

On topic, damn that's made me reconsider insurance for my new iPhone. I skipped out on it but if something ever happened to it I'd be well out of pocket.
Yeah I'm on O2 contract - £35 a month tariff with the O2 Premier cover for an extra £7.50 or something a month.

The nice O2 lady said; "no worries, we'll get you a replacement tomorrow" or words to that effect and after confirming the £25 excess I went on my merry way. :D

So ontop of your 18month iphone contract. Where you are paying a minimum of £630.. You have then add £135 for the insurance of the duration of your contract + an extra £25 to actually claim!!
Thats all sorts of ridiculous! Glad you can afford it!
Too right they should replace it at the drop of a hat with the way they are bending you over with the contract/insurance...
Are you like a Panzer that's been bjorn again? ;)

I'm not going to dignify that with a response. :p

To Fstop/Psypher: It still works out a hell of a lot cheaper than having to replace the phone myself + the fact that if I wreck this one, it's still only 7.50p/m + £25.

I can afford it and I think it's worth it. I certainly couldn't afford £400 for a PAYG if I didn't have the insurance!

Having read your thread panzer, I looked into my bank and the 'extras' it gives me, Natwest offer phone insurance which I actually did register with and forgot.

Since I've accidently myself twice now, dropping it on concrete (once in Old Trafford celebrate a goal :o ). I've noticed my home button being very unresponsive so we'll see what they say/do!

Me wants a white iPhone!
Mine and 5 others in family all covered under Natwest Account for free :) Happy chappy. :)

I called RBS up and they wouldnt insure the iphone. lol. I assume then that NAtwest and RBS use different insurance services. I have the RBS royalties gold account and the Natwest Advantage Gold account, so i'll give NAtwest a call instead.
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