Rising Force Online (RF Online) New EU Release

Ah good old KoS, Drama central if I remember rightly ;)

Don't get me wrong those guys were XP crazy but the way they went about it and treat other people didn't go down well with some.

The voting/archon thing? People being unhappy with it?
What do you expect when you use packet injection to dupe votes? :p

Yeah I remember the mag with the Interview, was a good read, they stopped the mag fast tho :(

Lets not mention "falling off" the map eh ;)

The boss mechanic was good and KoS abused this stealing PB's from people, they didn't like it when it happened to them tho, lol

Yea' man, we loved trolling people and winding people up, I fitted right in lol. I remember the PT partys we used to do, AFK by a tree, two dodge monkeys running around for 6-8 hours grinding, then they would go bed/food and those who were at work would take over. It was great.

Thing was though at the time no one knew about that lol :D

I really enjoyed the mag, shame it was stopped :(

Haha the falling off the map was great, there were several places you could do it. I had 5 accounts on that game at one point, would be a mission to run the low levels to the mines after we won the chip was as the other races would just camp and kill the lowbies to stop them lol.

I loved the boss mechanic, it was like that in Raganrok so it was cool! I had a + 7 ig bow on my HS I think it was and would just run up and steal the boss from anyone who was fighting it generally but then as gear started evening up you had to be there from the start to be in with a chance.

Loads of fun, one of my fav MMOs of all time :)

Took me about 3 weeks of updating my application every day to be accepted in to KoS :D
Well, all I can say is that I hope the PvP isn't as one sided as it was back in the dark ages.. when I played, it took both other races working together to stand a chance at beating the Accretians

Theres been a huge amount of change to races/mechanics/classes.
Waiting to see what impact this has on PvP.
Some of teh mechanics are very interesting.

Mage Combos seem immense.
Theres been a huge amount of change to races/mechanics/classes.
Waiting to see what impact this has on PvP.
Some of teh mechanics are very interesting.

Mage Combos seem immense.

I'm not going to lie, I haven't read the changes but my two questions I have if you don't mind me asking....

Are Bellatos still complete dodge monkeys?
Do Accretion Strikers I think it is when in siege mode still 1 shot everything other than BMAUS?
Yea' man, we loved trolling people and winding people up, I fitted right in lol. I remember the PT partys we used to do, AFK by a tree, two dodge monkeys running around for 6-8 hours grinding, then they would go bed/food and those who were at work would take over. It was great.

Thing was though at the time no one knew about that lol :D

I really enjoyed the mag, shame it was stopped :(

Haha the falling off the map was great, there were several places you could do it. I had 5 accounts on that game at one point, would be a mission to run the low levels to the mines after we won the chip was as the other races would just camp and kill the lowbies to stop them lol.

I loved the boss mechanic, it was like that in Raganrok so it was cool! I had a + 7 ig bow on my HS I think it was and would just run up and steal the boss from anyone who was fighting it generally but then as gear started evening up you had to be there from the start to be in with a chance.

Loads of fun, one of my fav MMOs of all time :)

Took me about 3 weeks of updating my application every day to be accepted in to KoS :D

Yeah koS were Kings of trollin like
Yeah we operated a very similar XP group :p
Most AFK and then we took shifts lol

A +7 Bow not too shabby, no duping involved of course ;)

Think the best wep I saw was a 45Int Lance that was +6, legit, belonged to BeBoy on Wind Server. He made it and was getting reported left right and centre for hacking. Cora were going bonkers for him nuking their XP partys and reportedly 2/3 shotting Paimons and Cora tanks. Was so entertaining. Not that we gave him a load of beserker pots or anything hehe. He even stood by his original comment "if this ****** doesnt work I quit".
Took us so much convincing him to NOT try for +7 LMAO

I even borrowed it for a while and that on top of RL buffs and Berserker pots at that stage in the game was absolutely retarded.

I've gone tank again and Am currently lvl 26, was aiming for 30 but had work today, and for the next 2 days :( really liking the current mechanics, I see a lot of people complaining about the XP rate but tbh I'm happy with it, means you need to put effort in and everythign just isn't handed to you :)

I'm not going to lie, I haven't read the changes but my two questions I have if you don't mind me asking....

Are Bellatos still complete dodge monkeys?
Do Accretion Strikers I think it is when in siege mode still 1 shot everything other than BMAUS?

Rumour has it that Acc got a huge nerf this patch, which was well overdue tbh.

As for the dodge I'm not 100% sure, don't know how agi works now as bless has changed, instead of extending your current holy buffs it's a buff on its own (vamp effect). So not entirely sure on what the Bell reliance on holy buffs will be now.

I do know cross classing has been removed :eek: so no more Mage/Ranger dodge monkeys AoEing everything. And no more Mage/Miller hitting like a truck whilst being very hard to drop.

There are also now apparantly 3 class choices and some of the original middle classes like armsman have been removed.
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:eek: SgtDk!!! :eek:
Weren't you RL before Novus too? I certainly remember you, weren't you on wind to start with? Or was it just from Novus I remember you?

Before the merge I was originally from Earth, in a guild called Skyfang i think i might have been Race Leader for a bit on earth but i can't remember.

I was mainly RL on Novus though with Shadow Legion.

Ah good old KoS, Drama central if I remember rightly ;)

The voting/archon thing? People being unhappy with it?
What do you expect when you use packet injection to dupe votes? :p

KoS and our guild Shadow Legion hated each other, I remember at one point there was a bug with the ranking system where as soon as you hit level 51 your rank would bug down to the lowest and you couldn't run for Race Leader, I was alright at first because it automatically put me up on the votes being the current race leader, but KoS used packet injection to fake extra votes to knock me out of race leader so i couldn't run in future until it got fixed which luckily was only a couple of weeks. lol

found some ancient screenshots.

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Used to love this game :D Never did make it to level 50 tho :( got to about 44 i think before giving up.

What race is everyone playing this time around ? I fancy giving it another shot later on :D
New level cap I think is 85.

Theres been so many changes apparantly the upgrade system has had a huge overhaul too, Im looking forwards to this as I always nenjoyed creating new gear, specially when I made a set that made me non debuffable, the casters hated that LOL.

I'll be playing bell, a load fo the old guys hjave come back and weve also bumped into a tonne of people in game from the CM version too, looks like it may be somewhat popular :)

Any chance you remember your server/name elbulus?
Started off in a guild with some friends from The Matrix Online where we were called "Children of Zion" So we decided to call ourselves "Children Of Novus" We were Bell if i remember correctly. After a while we merged with another guild on the server under the new name of "LastStand"

Forget which server but pretty sure it was the same one as the guys from KoS as i remember the hate towards them all the time :p

My char was called Elbulus ^^
Before the merge I was originally from Earth, in a guild called Skyfang i think i might have been Race Leader for a bit on earth but i can't remember.

I was mainly RL on Novus though with Shadow Legion.

KoS and our guild Shadow Legion hated each other, I remember at one point there was a bug with the ranking system where as soon as you hit level 51 your rank would bug down to the lowest and you couldn't run for Race Leader, I was alright at first because it automatically put me up on the votes being the current race leader, but KoS used packet injection to fake extra votes to knock me out of race leader so i couldn't run in future until it got fixed which luckily was only a couple of weeks. lol

found some ancient screenshots.


Must be Novus I know you guys from, Was always fun PvPing with your guys they seemed to play very well together. I was in Semper Paratus, we mainly played on Wind tho come towards the end of Novus we ended up playing a lot with the NINJA guys and some of the Wolfpack guys too.

Yup I remember when KoS packet spammed their way to the top :(

+7 Bow I vaguely remember someone getting a legit one from an Extremely lucky box, never saw much of that tbh, like I said above saw a legit +6 45int and then a few +5/+6 50/55 after people started spamming cash shop.

You playing this time round?

Started off in a guild with some friends from The Matrix Online where we were called "Children of Zion" So we decided to call ourselves "Children Of Novus" We were Bell if i remember correctly. After a while we merged with another guild on the server under the new name of "LastStand"

Forget which server but pretty sure it was the same one as the guys from KoS as i remember the hate towards them all the time :p

My char was called Elbulus ^^

ah I remember LastStand, wasn't the guild leader WhiteKnight or something?
I remember this was one of those games that you could gain from being AFK in the mining area?

I used to leave it on at night in the safe zone and reap the rewards!
Yea I think that was who took over after most of our original members stopped playing.

Oh the hours I used to AFK on this were unreal :p most annoying thing was coming back an you had been killed ><.

I think I spent more hours AFK than actually playing. I used to go AFK hunting and killing AFKers lol. Few times they came back just in time to see themselves die!
When we realised the cora rez never prompted the player to res and ressed anyway we made a Cora resser alt.. Not only did we kill them, we ressed em and did it over and over ;)

the cora weren't happy at all but one day we located a very high ranking player semi glitched AFK buffing, so off we went with our rezzer and a load of low lvl chars with no PvP oints and proceeded to utterly destroy him, we were there for hours before the cora found out, they tried and tried to kill us but they just couldn't was a massive PvP war for ages, then they enrolled the Acc to help as well. Has to be the best PvP session we ever had in RFO, both races running at around 10 of us and they took ages to drop us all.

The outcome? Massive emo fits on the Codemasters forum! Cora accusing each other left right and centre of helping "other races". The Acc revealing they were just Cora's little pets. And a high level cora (ranked 6/7 on the server) not even in the top 100 the next day.

When the asked why...

They rez killed a friend of ours taking over 100k CP (pvp points) so we took one of their players out completely :)

After that we never got killed again when AFKing, wonder why ;)
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