RMA My Seagate

31 Dec 2006
Xbox 360

Around May I bought a 320GB Seagate SATA-II, and recently it's dying.. you'll hear clicks and itll freeze or crash.. you get loads of errors like 'disk read error' 'please insert system disk' whilst trying to boot.

anyway i contaced their rma service and they sent me a email with rma number and stuff

so if i send it, how long does it take to be replaced?

aardvark said:
i sent one back last year and it only took a week - really quick.

i have to send another one back now :( - i can't remember how to RMA - is it simply a case of using their website?

sounds good :)

what you have to do is go seagate website (which isnt working for me right now) in warrenty support near bottom theres something about verify ** warrenty, something like that you click it and put in your model/serial and it'll show you its in warrenty, if it is

then look for "create rma" icon... and do the rest! :D
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