Hmmm is anyone looking to sell their road bike in the next few weeks ?
Why anyone would ride a road bike is a mystery to me
GT Zaskar with semi slicks 4TW
Have you spent any length of time on one? Mine felt like my spine was going to snap at first but now I'm completely in love with it, and if I'm honest it's a cheap piece of ****.
I my opinion, everyone needs two bikes. One for hooning around short distances then one for either long distance road riding or proper mountain riding (which ever discipline you prefer). I don't know many people who do both seriously. 1 bike just ends up being a compromise.I suppose if I had both...
What is it, if you don't mind me asking?
Now I just need to find somewhere that sells 26 x 2.00 tyres
Just need to find some padded shorts and some decent lights, since the nights are drawing in.
I picked up some half price sets from Evans, before I'd read the replies yesterday Lunchtime. Quite happy with them. Went for a 7.5mile nocturnal ride... probably didnt' go over about 25mph, but I didn't die. A bit more light would have been nice, but I'm not going to complain.
I should perhaps have waited and got some cheaper ones but I'm impatient.
OOooh I love riding again!