Road Redemption (RoadRash spiritual sequel)

It's pretty polished for an early access game tbh (some dodgy AI in places, I'm not convinced it's good design, gameplay or logical to have police cars willing to charge 4 police motorbikes off a bridge just to force you to do the same)

Just finished a run through. Only problem I have with it besides the AI is that it goes off the rails in later levels. First few levels are pure Road Rash style desert roads, then grappling gun riding between city skyscrapers before a few snow tracks and then Rainbow ****ing Road.
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Its a decent game so far its just missing something at the minute that is hard to put your finger on. As the poster above said the early levels are great then it loses its way a bit.

A bike upgrade system would be nice where you can actually choose different bikes and upgrade them.

But its just one of them games that make you smile or lol or just go wtf was that.

I think once they polish it up a bit more and add the online stuff its gonna be a great game i think.

It has that just one more go feel about it though which i find rare these days.
Officially Releases 04/10/17 coming with Online play also.. After say this has come on along way since its first release on Early Access!!
Here some gameplay from today

Purchased this early access years ago. It is still a let down for me as I was expecting something more like road rash where you earn money and buy better bikes. Also something with more style and character. This is bland and generic in comparison when I last played it about a month ago. Doubt much has changed since.

Kind of scratches the road rash itch a little I suppose though. Considering it was made by mainly two guys, a good effort, I will give them that.
I'd say it's worth it for a fiver, just hold in mind there isn't any proper online play. There's a way to invite people on your friends list to play via a sort of streaming service, but when I tried it I found it to be a terrible experience. There is offline play if you have someone to sit on a couch with, I imagine it'd be a lot more fun like that tbh.

I got it for free and enjoyed the 8 or so hours I put into it, which is around the time I started getting tired of playing it solo.
Edit: Turns out I already posted above a few years ago and my sentiment has not changed :o:D

Missed opportunity this game. Hopefully one day we get a proper Road Rash.
I've played through it a few dozen times here and there since my comment above (holy crap 6 years ago) but the sentitment hasn't really changed, the opening levels that are pure road rash are fantastic, the newer ending maps are great, but it's still plagued by the level design and AI for the rest of it.
Unless they have updated it massively, its not worth that much! It was pretty crap, which was a big shame

Yeah that what it looks like in video's tbh. Shame.

Apparently it had a big update in May, not sure if that has improved it much.
Looks crap, little like the original RR which I absolutely loved as a kid. Missing all the things mentioned above.

would love a proper remake done right
When I first heard of this I was so hyped but then let down, what we really need is a slower slightly more realistic bike game with some melee weapons. Ride 3 with weapons would be perfect
Yeah. Having guns and other silly weapons take away from the game also. Keep it simple like Road Rash. My ideal game would be the 3DO road rash just updated to today’s standards. Maybe add upgrading bikes as an option and things you can do in the bar or something.

Hell they should even keep the same sound track:

Yeah. Having guns and other silly weapons take away from the game also. Keep it simple like Road Rash. My ideal game would be the 3DO road rash just updated to today’s standards. Maybe add upgrading bikes as an option and things you can do in the bar or something.

Hell they should even keep the same sound track:

I had more fun watching that video than playing Road Redemption. Lol.

Whoops, thought I was edited my post above.
I've had this a few years from a bundle or sale, the racing and fighting gameplay is OK, but the structure of the game is truly bizarre, it uses a rogue like system instead of you just being able to buy and upgrade bikes and move onto new leagues etc like Road Rash, which had great gameplay progression, whereas as Road Redemption doesn't at all. Really bizarre design choice by the developer, because if he'd just copied Road Rash it would have been a lot better.

I really liked Road Rash 64, one of the N64's most underrated games.

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