Road Tax

^^ it's all emmision based for newer cars, old car = hammered for tax, new car = cushey tax banding type thing.
Morba said:
what the hell?

For cars registered after April 2001, it's based on emissions. For cars before, its based on engine size.

Only some bright spark made it so the highest emissions group is cheaper than the highest engine size group.

So if you have an April 2001 Focus 2.0 you pay less than next door with his March 2001 Focus 1.6.

Oh, and you pay more than the guy at the end of the road with the 2003 Lambo Mercialago.
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So my tax is due on the 30th of next month, how do i go about getting a new one, i realise i have to go to the post office but what do i need to take with me?

thepharcyde said:
Can I be a snitch here, but, I pay 165 a year for my road tax, and hate tax dodgers. But some guy/bird on my road I pass everyday has no tax on his/her car, well he/she does but it expired in 2004!?! and is park halfway on the curb and half on the road, with the disc crumpled to not make it so obvious!!

Should I report them to the DVLA, and if so who do I contact?
Report it:


Check with your local council. I recently reported an untaxed car to my council via their website. The next day it was stickered and two days later it was gone.
I get the forms sent to my door automatically.. then I just pop a cheque in the provided envelope, fill out the form and pop that in with the cheque and send it off, usually within a week I get a tax disc back.
If you have a new style MOT, you can do it all online at the DVLA site, else you need to take insurance certificate, renewal letter, MOT and a big pile of cash with you.
What forms do i need, i think you ned something like a V11? I dont have anything like that since i bought the car about a week ago, will i get that in the post?

You dont need the renewal, it just helps. V5 I think is required, just my luck I've lost mine. You can do it online too
You need EITHER the V5 OR the reminder form, but not both. You also need insurance and MOT certificates. An insurance cover-note is not acceptable.
Hmm i dont know whether i have any of these, how would i have got them, where should they be?


EDIT - I have the MOT certificate so far, also have the insurance documents.
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[TW]Fox said:
You need EITHER the V5 OR the reminder form, but not both. You also need insurance and MOT certificates. An insurance cover-note is not acceptable.

You will be able to get taxed on a temporary insurance cover note. You won't be able to get taxed with Day-insure, or a print off of your insurance confirmation email.
SB118 said:
If you have a new style MOT, you can do it all online at the DVLA site, else you need to take insurance certificate, renewal letter, MOT and a big pile of cash with you.

My tax is only £85 per year. :p
[TW]Fox said:
You need EITHER the V5 OR the reminder form, but not both. You also need insurance and MOT certificates. An insurance cover-note is not acceptable.

Indeed a cover note is totally acceptable, unless its from dayinsure etc.

I insured the golf with a faxed covernote, i dont think the 85year old workers in the local post offices really care too much. :D
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