20 years ago it would have been young folks finding out they are not Juha Kankkunen and their ancient Austin Metro has introduced itself to a hedge and killed all its occupants. Cars are a lot safer than they used to be. Look on the graph that was posted earlier and you can see a massive downward trend from the early 90's. That can be attributed to the introduction of air bags and ABS in most mainstream cars.
True, although its also bred complacency, i did my test in a yaris and the instructor taught me when doing an emergency stop just to slam my foot on the brake and let the car do the stopping.
Didnt help me after i passed and was driving a car with no abs, to this day i wish somebody had bothered to teach me proper brake control, and i'd be very much in favour of introducing a dynamic element of a driving test/teaching course.
Your point is valid, boy racers have always existed. Funny a freind of mine who's getting on a bit takes the mick out of me for driving a bmw, until i pointed out the irony that he was driving a lotus at my age.
*raises hand*
Me. Foolishly rode out in front of a car as a 12year old boy, sent me flying, scraped my head and face to pieces, a helmet certainly would have helped as I had chunks of my hair torn off as I skidded along the floor. Those are only superficial injuries though, not sure the helmet would have done much to help with the concussion and impact.
Same kinda thing with me, country road, pulled in to let a car past, front wheel in the ditch ended up sliding down the road on my elbow, was lucky i didnt smack my skull. (Tbf i blame the ditch more than the car, i didnt really need to pull in)
Smacked my head into a tree when mountain biking (fortunately slowly enough to just get a bruise), ever since ive worn a motocross helmet when cycling in the forest lol.
You seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder about cyclists for some reason, that isn't really in keeping with your final sentence.
It isn't a dichotomy, it's a truism. Cyclists are vulnerable and they are fragile, and the whole helmet debate is a complete diversion from the real issue. This country needs to stop victim blaming, and start thinking about how we can make the roads safe for all users, irrespective of what they wear.
The chip on my shoulder is from some of the utterly horrific attitudes ive experienced from road cyclists (the lycra brigade) both in a car and as a pedestrian, beyond mere ignorance its actual agression that ive never seen from any other denomination (save one singular incident involving a modeo driver)
That said, i myself cycle (mostly off road but you need to go on road to get to the off road), and many folk i know do with proper attitudes.
As for your helmets dont work argument, i think theres enough anecdotes in this thread to prove they do make enough, if not then ask any motorcyclist who's come off (even moped riders limited to 30, which a good road cyclist can match)