Roads getting safer or more dangerous ?

Journey home from picking oldest up from gymnastics this evening had Cheshire plod driving up my backside. I was doing slightly over 40 in a 40 limit. As his blues weren't on and it was a dead straight road with good visibility (so even his poxy astra could get past) I can only assume he was in need of some training or trying to egg me on into speeding enough to be pulled over. Comes to something when even the supposed professionals drive like chavs.
Journey home from picking oldest up from gymnastics this evening had Cheshire plod driving up my backside. I was doing slightly over 40 in a 40 limit. As his blues weren't on and it was a dead straight road with good visibility (so even his poxy astra could get past) I can only assume he was in need of some training or trying to egg me on into speeding enough to be pulled over. Comes to something when even the supposed professionals drive like chavs.

My dad currently has 2 complaints in with the local police force over the standards of their driving. Both are backed up by dashcam footage and are currently being investigated by the force who tried to dismiss them initially. First instance on a two lane roundabout; police officer in the right hand lane cuts left across the front of him with no indication.
Second instance he was behind the guy for a while, no indication from him at any junctions, he then indicates left at a slip road but continues on and can be seen drifting between lanes and straddling two at quite a few junctions, again with no indication.

I still can't believe he managed to see two police cars on the road! Where I am I can go weeks at a time covering about 1k miles without seeing one.
I'd be all for cyclists being pulled over for this (as long as drivers were too of course).

i agree with this, i can fully get why cyclists want bright lights, and i have no issue with this (after all its a good thing), but there are plenty of cars around with their lights far too bright and a lot of bicycles with said pulsars aimed at eye level.

funny thing its never the high end motors, all the audi's beamers, saabs and volvos are fine, it's the old boras with hid's and no autolevelers that are the worst.
Probably is getting more dangerous but I'd say that its mainly down to the sheer volume of traffic and the anger / impatience it causes.

Driving in cities you've always needed to be able to make progress but the selfishness of people just seems to be getting worse. No-one wants to let anyone in and people just sit on roundabouts / box junctions blocking all traffic.

I used to enjoy going for a drive on country roads but I can't even remember the last time I had a nice bit of clear road ahead of me. Plus you never know whats around the corner now with so many cyclists about. Guess its all a bit of an odds game really, even "safe" drivers can be wiped out by some nutter in a bad mood.

Something I was thinking about the other day was how with self driving cars starting to come to fruition that perhaps cyclists need some sort of transponder / beacon so smart cars can be aware of their presence. The future of driving / traffic management is everything being aware of each other and cyclists will need to be part of that, plus would stop collisions on blind corners.
Dangerous for me, car written off two weeks ago and knocked off my bicycle today by a car.

Should have cycled faster and on the pavement :p

Due to the selfish attitudes / pure lack of knowledge people have when it comes to the highway code and on top of that more vehicles on the roads today I'd say they aren't as safe as they used to be.

Ignorance is rife in this thread again ref cyclists, many drivers falling into category A of having a selfish attitude. Show me statistics of how many people have been killed or had life changing injuries caused this year by cyclists hitting them and then the same for a motorised vehicle hitting them. I don't agree with cyclists hammering through town centres, that's just showing lack of common sense but then I see lack of common sense frequently in drivers.

Humans will be humans, shame we just all can't get on together on the roads which are for ALL to use :(
I still can't stand to see cyclists ride side by side, even if it is legal. It's just rude when they know traffic is behind them. I'd never do it on my bike, cyclists get enough crap without me contributing.
I still can't stand to see cyclists ride side by side, even if it is legal. It's just rude when they know traffic is behind them. I'd never do it on my bike, cyclists get enough crap without me contributing.

It shouldn't make a difference. They still occupy less space than a car so you have sufficient space to overtake them...or not. Same as you would a car. Or not.
It shouldn't make a difference. They still occupy less space than a car so you have sufficient space to overtake them...or not. Same as you would a car. Or not.

Less space yes but significantly slower for the most part. It's less annoying on certain roads but through lanes for example its dangerous and either leads to traffic backing up or risky overtakes.

If they're so desperate to chat, get radios.
I still can't stand to see cyclists ride side by side, even if it is legal. It's just rude when they know traffic is behind them. I'd never do it on my bike, cyclists get enough crap without me contributing.

Depends on the circumstance, on a clear straight road I'd prefer that they go single file, going round a blind bend on a rural road, I can absolutely see why they'd want to limit traffic's ability to pass them. There was a case a while back where a woman overtook a cyclist on a blind bend and had to swerve when an oncoming car came around, the cyclist was killed, better to avoid the situation by removing the choice from the hands of the driver, most people wouldn't have made the manoeuvre but it's enough that some would.

In terms of the roads getting more dangerous, I'd have to agree. A lot of it is the weight of traffic, and the subsequent knock on it has on people (rushing due to being late, getting stressed, acting aggressively, becoming intimidated). However I now can't go one day without seeing something ridiculous, case in point some guy pulled out of a layby in front of me yesterday, presumably without looking at all, I had to brake heavily.

For every dangerous person on the road there seems to be an extra 100 who just don't do the simple things like indicating or adhering to lane discipline. it's either getting worse or I'm getting more observant.
For me, definitely more dangerous.

More traffic on the road, most of us living life in the fast lane, not giving ourselves ample of time to reach our destination on time.

Beware of extra "token cyclists" on the road today, it's National Cycle To Work Day.
Depends on the circumstance, on a clear straight road I'd prefer that they go single file, going round a blind bend on a rural road, I can absolutely see why they'd want to limit traffic's ability to pass them.

If they are fast racers through a lane I could understand this. I'm talking about slow riders chatting side by side.

I pull over if I feel like I'm holding people up.
If they are fast racers through a lane I could understand this. I'm talking about slow riders chatting side by side.

I pull over if I feel like I'm holding people up.

In that case I'm with you, I have no problem with them having a chat riding parallel, but if I were doing it I'd move when I noticed a car coming. It's actually as much as a pain in the arse for other cyclists as we end up almost in the right hand lane when trying to pass.
If you want to experience peoples impatience on a day to day basis, try driving a speed monitored company car.

We get automatically penalised for going over the speed limit and as the process of being warned is a pain in the rear I'll just limit my car so I can't go over.

Some drivers really don't like that! :o

Crazy how close people will get and how irate they'll become, nothing I can do about it though so tough. :p
Nothing dangerous, but those who queue up in one lane when the lanes merge into one 800m down the road, should have their licenses revoked.

Although watching people beep or make obscene gestures at you because you're using common sense is somewhat rewarding.
If you want to experience peoples impatience on a day to day basis, try driving a speed monitored company car.

We get automatically penalised for going over the speed limit and as the process of being warned is a pain in the rear I'll just limit my car so I can't go over.

Some drivers really don't like that! :o

Crazy how close people will get and how irate they'll become, nothing I can do about it though so tough. :p

I find it crazy how impatient and annoyed people get if you're doing the speed limit, if you were doing 20 in a 30 I'd understand but what a monster you are for ONLY doing the maximum speed you're legally allowed to do!

I very rarely speed myself so I have experience of it too. Most people are ok if the limit is 40+ but doing 30 in a 30 seems to be beyond a lot of peoples tolerance levels.
Looking over my shoulder was literally called a 'life saver' when I learnt to ride. I still do it in my car out of habit.
Same, I was taught it when learning to drive too ~1997 but it's not in the current driving lessons/tests (did an 'Advanced Driving' course in 2010).
The future of driving / traffic management is everything being aware of each other
This. Couldn't agree more, equally the technology will never get a chance to mature due to the whole 'how dare they monitor where I'm going' attitude.
In terms of the roads getting more dangerous, I'd have to agree. A lot of it is the weight of traffic, and the subsequent knock on it has on people (rushing due to being late, getting stressed, acting aggressively, becoming intimidated).
This. People these days lead far too busy lives, have less common sense, are more selfish and have no forethought to plan their journey (time & route).

People commute too far due to house prices, making roads busier. People pay too much tax/insurance/higher cost of cars, so the feeling of self entitlement along with a selfish attitude is further exacerbated. People are paid too much, so they can afford powerful vehicles they cannot control at ever increasing higher speeds (thankfully they're maginally safer than whatever was owned previously so therefore they can drive it faster ofc).

Police funding has slipped, there's a huge decrease in traffic enforcement than how I remember things 15+ years ago. I can remember getting stopped for: touching the edge of a solid white line at the side of an A road, driving at 70 mph on a national speed limit road (had 2 points & fines for this, one of them even at 66 mph), cutting a corner turning into a junction and the best was being stopped in town for having my lights on (where the next valley over it was raining & foggy). I'll admit all of them were my fault - but I would be very surprised to see any of them enforced today.

As a cyclist my views are even more directed towards responsibility resting with the motorist, although I'll be the first to admit that there are a high number of bad cyclists. Equally the majority of them are bad/normal drivers too! Their attitude and lack of education of the highway code is just further enhanced when on two wheels. I'm not adverse to cycling insurance (many of us have it anyway), but it shouldn't be mandatory, only maybe for riding on A roads?!

I think enforcement of the current highway code would go a very long way into making the roads a safer place for all, we don't need more 'rules' when the current are not adhered to or enforced. I obey the highway code when I'm driving and when I'm riding.
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I think enforcement of the current highway code would go a very long way into making the roads a safer place for all, we don't need more 'rules' when the current are not adhered to or enforced. I obey the highway code when I'm driving and when I'm riding.

The driving test should include some element of motorway driving and you should be required to pass a "safe enough to drive" course at 60 years old, IMO.

and how to indicate your intentions on a roundabout

Honestly I swear people have no idea how to roundabout :)
Show me statistics of how many people have been killed or had life changing injuries caused this year by cyclists hitting them and then the same for a motorised vehicle hitting them.

Because that would be a valid comparison wouldn't it? 1,500KG hitting you at 20-30mph or 60-90KG hitting you (or more likely darting out of the way) at 5-15mph?
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