episode 1:
Introduce the characters - Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nyneave, Eqwene, Morainie, Lan and Fain. Focus is on emmonds field, show conversation about the a dark robed man has been watching the 3 men, episode ends with trolloc attack on Rand and Tam's farmhouse.
Episode 2:
start with the attack on emonds field, show aftermath, introduce Thom. Journey to Baerlon being persued by Trollocs, Myrddraal, and Draghkar. Introduce darkfriends when they get to baerlon, Rand, Mat, Perrin have dreams of the 'dark one'
Episode 3:
Journey to Shadar Logath - talk about the dragon reborn - show lews therins backstory, how saidin is tainted etc. shenannigans in shadar logath, end with group being split.
Episode 4:
Rand/Mat/Thoms journey to whitebridge and subsequent 'death' of Thom. Perrin/Egwene met Elyas
Episode 5
Rand/Mat Journey to caemlyn - darkfriends aplenty, effect of dagger on Mat. Perrin/Egwene capture/escape from whitecloaks with Moraine/Lan
Episode 6:
Rand sees Logain, learn about him from Elayne - see effect of Rand's appearance, introduce Oiger and the eye of the world. Group reunites.
Episode 7:
Journey through the ways to fal dara, Paden Fain capture, backstory shows how he is a darkfriend, orchestrated attack on emonds field etc.
Episode 8:
Search for the eye, battle with forsaken, Rand wields Saidin, end with Moraine confirming Rand is dragon reborn.