
This game is addictive. I was meant to be playing Dead Rising 3 over the weekend but I had to play this instead!

My T4 Tank: This was good but the green blocks got blown off very easily, and most of the back was green blocks which I had to be careful of not exposing.

My modified T5: I added the T5 turrets to start with, then after a few rounds on T5 upgraded the green blocks to Pink. Survivability was ok depending on what I was going against. Most of the old green blocks on the back and inside have been replaced with orange, and pink on important parts.

My current changes for my T5 Tank: I'm not quite happy with the appearance of the top. I had to delete a few blocks for some reason, maybe more CPU power or something to power the extra turret and shields. I've levelled up since, so will be able to fix that up soon. This now takes quite a beating. There are no longer any of old the old green blocks and it's now all orange and pink.

I'd lower the new shields, but in doing so the following happens:

When it is fine the other side:
Here are some of my designs ^_^

Here is a tier 10 Heavy Dart - (Interceptor) Uses Tier 10 Smg's/ Rudders instead of aerofoils etc.4
I use this mainly to take down other Heavy bombers/Flying Plasma Bombers/Blimps.


Here is my Tier 10 Hover toilet :D

Damaged in battle - Someone said I flushed the enemy away haha xD

My Mark 1 - Hover Toaster :D (Tier 9)



Someone caught me in a game and posted this image from when I toppled over haha.

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Not as much these days, but i do pop on every now and then to see whats new.
Currently have a TierX hover SMG.
Interested in the new Megabot updates that are filtering through, the Mega SMG looks beastly but really dont have the time or desire to sit and accumulate the 950 tech points(I think?) required to unlock it. In time i guess.

Massively impressed with FreeJam' community support, its refreshing to see a developer be so involved and willing to listen, also regularly rewards those who support him with paying premium etc.
Just for an unholy thread revival, I found this game a week ago and am really enjoying it so far. It has been a hunt for games that will work on the aging laptop which is all I have to game on currently :(
Anyone here still a regular online?
My son got this about a month ago, and now I'm hooked! Fun game play, and I spend an age on my robo designs.

We're playing under "uF0nJR".

This is my T10 tank that pays the bills: link

Currently building a Mega, which is taking some serious time using full triforcing.
I got to tier 7 and kind of stalled, often a lack of players online in the mid tiers makes getting a quick game hard... ought to get back in to it though...
I come back to Robocraft every couple of months to see what the changes are and to play about with new designs, never seem to stick around for too long though.
I gave up after wrecking all my bots to try and build a flyer that I could never get to work properly

Did something similar, wanted to try make a better bot, but it ended up being worse.

Eventually built one that can stand up to most others. I'm level 100 and got 3CPU spare on it. It's only a standard tank track bot as MEGAs cost way too much.

Keep going back to it now and then thinking I'll try make a new bot with some of the new parts see how things are. I always get bored before I've even finished making it though and then quit.
Yeah, MEGAs are expensive, but as soon as you can make a basic one will be easier to make money.
I can make 500K easy per battle with my mega, most of times I do more than that.

The easiest way to make money for a mega is to be a medic, at least was like this before.
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