Roccat Kone Mouse - Wheel Broken ...

10 Dec 2008
So I bought this mouse back in October, worked brilliantly. However just today I go to scroll down a page and the wheel doesn't register, examining the mouse closer and it seems a component in the wheel is broken leaving the wheels motion frictionless and not registering.

It's a brilliant mouse, worked flawlessly up untill now ... however without the wheel its become redundant at a lot of tasks (internet surfing/gaming etc) ...

Anyone else with this mouse had this problem? Now that I have it what is's policy on this? Can it be repaired? Can they replace it? Does Roccat repair/replace it?

Wow this thread has gotten a lot of hits, you type 'Roccat Kone Broken Mouse wheel' into google this thread is the first result.

So anyhow I know I made this thread just under a year ago however my 3rd replacement's wheel has just broken. Yes I have been through 4 Roccat Kone mice ... some lasted a few weeks, my last one lasted 5 months however the wheel component always broke.

Why does the most comfortable, smoothest and coolest looking mouse out there have to have a crippling design flaw ... ? A crippling design flaw which really cannot be the hardest thing to fix.

Hearing stuff like this

my kone "v2" broke, twice.

Moral of the day: assign the button underneath the wheel to "universal scroll" so you can middle click without breaking it.

Makes me incredibly weary of going for a V2 ... so I'm out, I'm done. Sorry Roccat, you made an incredible mouse but ruined it with this weak mouse wheel. I'm done, I can't go through the RMA process anymore it's too much. Just to be clear were brilliant with their RMA's, however I don't have a box to fit it in, don't want to walk down to the post office, don't want to go through that whole process anymore.

I'm moving on to a new mouse, I will miss your silky smooth material, your frictionless glide, your incredible sleek looks and the way your lights randomly stay on when my PC turns, off lighting up my room in a different colour each night.
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