Rome 2: Horrendous FPS

26 Feb 2009
Norn Iron
Hi all. Does anyone else experience realllllly bad FPS on the campaign map for Rome 2? I average about 20-30, then once I select a unit on the map and try to move across the world it halves. It's starting to really irritate me. Example below. 7fps!

Below is the settings I am using. 1920x1080 resolution. Steadily lowering things seems to do nothing to help. My spec is in my sig but I have currently disabled crossfire as it offers no benefit in this game and does nothing but caues excess noise. Using 13.11 AMD drivers. Surely my spec isn't that bad. I would have thought I could run this much higher than I am currently...

Any ideas?
I had a look at the 14.1 betas but it didnt suggest anything worthwhile to me apart from mantle...
Yeh mantle is the big thing for that driver, but when I went through the notes, there was something to do with Rome 2, I'm sure I seen it.
That screenshot is during the turn moves for the opponents so it will drop then, always has done for all TW games IIRC. The campaign map is still quite sluggish and slow but the latest Rome patch has upped the FPS during the battles.

Fingers crossed it is something they will look into getting sorted out in the future.
That screenshot is during the turn moves for the opponents so it will drop then, always has done for all TW games IIRC. The campaign map is still quite sluggish and slow but the latest Rome patch has upped the FPS during the battles.

Fingers crossed it is something they will look into getting sorted out in the future.

True it was during a turn change, that's jut when I happened to take the screeny. But it hits that kind of FPS when I select an army on the map and start to scroll across the map. It makes for a really un-enjoyable experience when I try to move armies/agents etc

Is my processor really holding me back here? The game seems really single threaded, while playing I see 3/4 cores sitting pretty idle.
the game sucks.

4k vs 4k and all my units were stuttering even though I had 40fps lol.....

4ghz haswell as well

the game is pants though I've had games where the enemy is all easy as hell only has small armies then on the same difficuluty the same enemies have had 2-5 full armies roaming around attacking stuff
Make sure you disable vsync, and turn down those unit settings you've got cranked up.
Also the Total War games typically require seriously monster CPUs if you want good performance, an i5-750 is getting on for 5 years old now and you have a fairly modest overclock. I would start pushing the envelope a bit, 3.8ghz minimum.
Make sure you disable vsync, and turn down those unit settings you've got cranked up.
Also the Total War games typically require seriously monster CPUs if you want good performance, an i5-750 is getting on for 5 years old now and you have a fairly modest overclock. I would start pushing the envelope a bit, 3.8ghz minimum.


crossfire is also a problem with R2TW. disable and see if its smoother.

It wont be your CPU, it really is the game. Overall it is not very well optimised for any hardware really
perfectly playable here at 1080p on a 1055t and 7970 with everything ultra apart from AA and depth of field (which looks crap anyway). The game just has odd performance bugs, which are slowly getting patched out. The OP's does seem unusually poor assuming its fully patched etc.

forgot to add. select unlimited GPU memory in the settings. it allows the game to use the actual memory on the card and not what the game thinks it requires (which is horrifically low and causes FPS drops). That is the most deceiving and pointless graphical setting i have ever come across, your game is thinking its got about 600mb to run instead of the 3GB it has.
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Been getting a few problems with RTW2 and crossfire as well as others have said try turning off crossfire might help a bit.
They are still releasing patches and trying to fix it, a friend of mine is saying that the bosses in CA are massively pro patching and fixing bugs still as they want to save the total war brand from extinction.

I know its not perfect at the moment but I'm enjoying playing it a lot :)

They are still releasing patches and trying to fix it, a friend of mine is saying that the bosses in CA are massively pro patching and fixing bugs still as they want to save the total war brand from extinction.

I know its not perfect at the moment but I'm enjoying playing it a lot :)


Oh, that's good to hear then. Haven't played it since release, has it improved much?
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