Rome 2: Horrendous FPS

Make sure you disable vsync, and turn down those unit settings you've got cranked up.
Also the Total War games typically require seriously monster CPUs if you want good performance, an i5-750 is getting on for 5 years old now and you have a fairly modest overclock. I would start pushing the envelope a bit, 3.8ghz minimum.

Surely the unit settings only apply on the battlefield? Not the campaign map which is where I'm complaining about the major FPS problem.
I can't remember if I have VSync on or not, I'll check later.
I don't really like the idea of trying to OC more, back when I set this OC years ago this was the best I could achieve without needing silly voltages. (I was probably doing it wrong though :D)

I did have the unlimited video settings box ticked up until recently but read somewhere (can't remember where) that it can actually cause more problems. I'll try reselecting.

Crossfire is also disabled as stated in the OP.

Thanks for the responses here guys. Glad to know I'm at least not totally alone in having problems. I still enjoy the game though :)
Creative Assembly have moved on to the new Aliens title as well, so don't expect any improvements from here on.
different teams. they are still patching R2TW.

Oh, that's good to hear then. Haven't played it since release, has it improved much?
patch 9 was an AI improvement patch. most of the ones previous to that patch were performance improvements. its definitely noticeably better than release although still missing Multi-GPU support and MSAA support. The dynamics of the game havent changed though so if you were upset about them compared to previous titles, nothing has changed there.
Its hard to believe that theres still a developer producing triple A games that are still single threaded. And of all the games on the market today Total War with all those A.I calculations to do is the one game that could really benefit from extra threads.

I wonder if AMD and CA could retro fit mantle into Rome 2 which couldhelp fix anpot of performance issues?
Its hard to believe that theres still a developer producing triple A games that are still single threaded. And of all the games on the market today Total War with all those A.I calculations to do is the one game that could really benefit from extra threads.

I wonder if AMD and CA could retro fit mantle into Rome 2 which couldhelp fix anpot of performance issues?

Agreed, it's ridiculous.

Turning off VSync and re-enabling the unlimited memory option seem to have help. Selecting an army still drops the FPS quite a bit but it's much more managable now, mid 20s-30 roughly. Can't believe I didn't think of Vsync all this time :(
Makes you wonder what on earth they were doing during the development cycle, they seem to have spent more time making the game since the release
Oh, that's good to hear then. Haven't played it since release, has it improved much?

Definately has improved, better AI, better performance, less graphical bugs

Makes you wonder what on earth they were doing during the development cycle, they seem to have spent more time making the game since the release

At least the admitted to it and also agreed to keep patching it untill people are happy, which is better then both Gearbox Software and Egosoft have admitted to with their terrible release code...

Definately has improved, better AI, better performance, less graphical bugs

At least the admitted to it and also agreed to keep patching it untill people are happy, which is better then both Gearbox Software and Egosoft have admitted to with their terrible release code...


To be fair although I haven't played R2TW I've played every other Total War game and while there buggy on release you know that there underneath all those bugs there's a great game waiting to come (think Empire) out however a game like Egosofts's X Rebirth is just straight up bad an no amount of patching will turn it into a great game.
To fixed the Frame Rate Drop (Assuming that you've already had better performing laptop) by
1) Go to C:/Users/user name/ AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Rome2/scripts
2) Open " preferences.script.txt "
3) Search for "twitch_fps" (Mine was originally twitch_fps 30; )
4) Change "30" to "60" (It should look like this twitch_fps 60; )
5) Save
Thank me later :D
Epic thread necro!

But, I had such high hopes for Rome 2 - and was so utterly, bitterly disappointed. I have 9 hours logged, I just can't seem to find any aspect of the game that I actually like. :(
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