Rome 2: Total War Mods

Completely agree it's better than vanilla but the issue is that Radious hasn't been tweaked for research and building times to coincide with an increase in turns. I did include it in the OP when I created the thread as I had the same combination but it doesn't quite work as intended imo (yes generals don't die but research and tech happens too quickly).

Except the research and building time does NOT change at all. A building or technology that took 4 turns to complete still takes 4 turns to complete. That aspect of the game is untouched. The only issue you might have is the historical accuracy one, as a lot of the research will be done earlier than the history would suggest. But that is an issue prevalent in the vanilla game already and not one that could be fixed by anything that doesn't overhaul the whole technology research aspect of the game.
Some other, released mods worth mentioning:

Roma Invicta - Vanilla fixes and Gameplay changes - LONG list of improvements/fixes

  • Citizen troops for Romans are only available for recruitment in the Italian provinces - legion barracks still provide garrisons elsewhere, but the actual citizen troops of Rome can only be recruited in Italia, Magna Graecia and Corsica et Sardina. This includes not only the pre and post Marian reform infantry, but also Velites and Equites. You're either going to have to raise and reinforce your legions from Rome, or supplement them more heavily with auxilia support. This applies to your naval units too, by the way.
  • Squalor penalties from buildings have been universally cut in half, however food consumption by order buildings remains just as high, and there have been no increases to the wealth produced by buildings, and no global reductions in unit upkeep. For those who find the (current) Radious economy much too easy, this may be the setup for you; there's some more freedom in your city management, but you won't be swimming in gold.
  • Less routing, longer battles. This is not to the same scale as Radious Mod, but should provide longer engagements; all units are 20% more resistant to morale damage from combat losses, so should not rout early in a battle. The short-term shock from cavalry charges has been increased to prevent these changes from making flanked units - particularly skirmishers - resistant to routing in appropriate circumstances. I have not made any AI enhancements, as those changes are beyond my expertise - I'd advise using Radious' AI or another one of the fine mods for this.
  • Overhauled transport ships for all factions. These things are now much slower and much, much more vulnerable to hull damage from ramming and naval artillery. Never again should you need to worry about losing your fleets to transport ships - and you should start to think about escorting your transports, too. They will typically be holed, destroyed or capsize with only a few rams from actual assault ships. Oh, they're much more flammable, too.
  • Improved fortifications. Fortified cities are now tougher nuts to crack:
  • Walls are, on average, twice as durable
  • Gates are just over twice as durable
  • Torches thrown by infantry are now pathetic, and if you want to torch a gate, your men will be sat there trying to ignite it all day whilst the enemy rains down death upon you. Go get some siege engines and come back.
  • Update 1: Siege attrition for both attackers and defenders has been slashed down by 66% for each - you can now actually besiege a city and build equipment without all your men dying at a ridiculous rate.

  • Re-balanced ranged weapons. In short:
  • Slingers now more valuable, reduction in range leaves them 'medium' range skirmishers. Depending on the shot type, have varying armour piercing qualities. Damage in general is up slightly, but only lead shot really gets any boost to its AP value.
  • Javelins are now more deadly, but are 25% shorter ranged. All have slightly more damage; depending on the type, they will have significant armour piercing capability now.
  • All bows are now longer ranged; archers are archers instead of glorified skirmishers. No major damage changes as yet. The range of unit depends on the bows they are equipped with - longbows have the greatest range, but less armour piercing capability, whereas a composite bow has slightly lower range but greater AP, for example. All mounted archers are also ranged depending on their bows, with a mild (10) malus to their range for being mounted.
  • Auxiliary-crewed naval units no longer cost extortionate upkeep. In vanilla, all Roman auxilia-manned vessels cost 300-1000 upkeep per turn; CA has erroneously set them up with the same upkeep as mercenary units. This has been fixed, with the unit upkeep scaled compared to the upkeep of the auxiliary unit on land, with modifiers to that cost depending on the size and type of warship; just as with legionary-equipped ships.
  • Sprinting around will tire your infantry out faster. Filthy casuals . It's not an extreme change, but you do accrue fatigue from sprinting about 50% faster than you did in vanilla, which is seemingly non-existent.
  • All spear and pike weapons now have appropriate bonus vs cavalry. Many pikes and spears had no bonus versus cavalry in vanilla rome, for what reason is unknown, but apparently just developer failing to actually put in the right data. For example, your pikes will now be exceptionally deadly against cavalry; moreso than short spears. Previously, pikes had no vs cavalry bonus at all, would you believe!?
  • Fixed the inability to recruit veteran legionary hexaremes because 'unit limit reached'.

  • Velites have 25% increased morale and +1 accuracy; this goes along with the restriction of their availability only in the Italian peninsula as Roman citizen troops. Skirmishers can be recruited elsewhere as auxilia - Celtic and Barbarian skirmishers in general are identical to Velites, so the restricted Velites have a slight advantage in morale and accuracy. They have also had their upkeep increased by 15%, to reflect that these are Roman citizens you're having to pay, even if they're low class... But they're not auxilia.
  • Socii troops have had price and upkeep reductions. These pseudo-citizen auxiliaries are better than the average auxilia, but in vanilla cost practically the same as actual Hastati and Equites to recruit and upkeep. At the same time, they were quite significantly worse soldiers - they also could only be recruited from the Italian provinces where you'd likely have legion barracks anyway. They are now cheaper to recruit, and quite a bit cheaper to upkeep - providing an interesting core auxiliary alternative for those who are struggling financially. Basically, I've tried to give you a reason to use them. (These changes don't generally apply to the Extraordinarii, which are actually quite good already)
  • Prætorians of all kinds are now number-limited. You can maintain up to 6 units of Prætorians, 4 of Prætorian Cavalry and 4 of Prætorian Guards at once now, maximum. No more abusing them as God-units, I'm afraid.
  • First Cohort is now limited to 4 units - I was going to choose 1 or 2 as the limit, but instead went for 4. This is so that you can have a First Cohort for each 'front' you may be maintaining, quite simply - if you have armies fighting North, East, South and West, each of them theoretically can have their own First Cohort. The First Cohort has had a significant morale increase and extra melee defence, as otherwise they're just worthless compared to Veteran Legionaries. This now makes them an excellent cohort to hold the core of your line, as they'll hold fast and defend better than the average legionaries, making them a true 'leadership' cohort.
  • Gladiators and Spear Gladiators are now capped at 8 units each. They're for use as highly specialist shock-troops, not the backbone of an army.
  • Veteran Legionaries now have a recruitment cap - it's quite generous at 20, but it means you can't hope to build armies that consist solely of Veterans instead of the normal legionaries. Naval units using Veteran Legionaries are capped at 12 per ship type, so there should be still plenty of them to go around.

  • Roma may/should now be a 6-slot city, even though it's not coastal. Please check this out, I haven't grown Italia enough to check this in any of my games.

Hellas Resurgent - The "Classical Greek" Unit Pack

After playing an Athenian and a Spartan campaign, I've come to love the way the Greek states are portrayed in this game. However, I'm a larger fan of the idea of the 'Classical Greek' soldier. Namely, the one wearing a bronze thorax and a Corinthian helm. And yes, I know, this is not historically accurate for the time period, but I think they look awesome, so I made myself a mod editing both Spartan and Athenian units to more closely resemble my concept of Greek Warriors. I figured that I'd post it on here, and see if maybe someone else would be interested in playing around with them!

Index of Released Mods (on TWC)
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The Roma Invicta mod sounds pretty good! May even try it out as my first mod for me in R2. Though still waiting the next big patch or two to give vanilla a chance.
Except the research and building time does NOT change at all. A building or technology that took 4 turns to complete still takes 4 turns to complete. That aspect of the game is untouched. The only issue you might have is the historical accuracy one, as a lot of the research will be done earlier than the history would suggest. But that is an issue prevalent in the vanilla game already and not one that could be fixed by anything that doesn't overhaul the whole technology research aspect of the game.

Yh the issue is one of research/buildings that would take 4 turns in vanilla (ie 4 years) taking only 1/2 years modded. Anyway will update the OP with the other mods when I get back.

It's becoming increasingly hard to choose what mods to use! So much choice :p Will stick with what I'm running for now but you have to love the total war community, so much commitment :)
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