Ross Brawn back to ferrari?!


Mind. Blown.

(I'm not convinced that pic isn't just a Photoshop, but Googling reveals he does indeed wear wigs.)
That pic is a Photoshop from a guy on the Pistonheads forum. There doesn't appear to be any pictures out there of him without a wig on. So while he says he's happy to talk about it, he's done a dam good job of keeping it out of the media.
I thought it was common knowledge about EJ's wigs. He has a set of them on rotation, so it looks like his hair is growing. He suffers from alopecia, brought on by an accident while racing.

My mistake I thought it was Ross Brawn being discussed wearing wigs :D I didn't know about EJ either.
So according to that article, Domenicali is both looking into an F1 programme and not working on a motorsports programme at all. Well done Andrew Benson, you've even managed to surpass your usual standards of ****ness.

splitting hairs possibly - but a "feasibility study" isn't exactly the motorsport programme itself :D

edit the one thing I meant to mention was the "advertising value" to Merc last year of £1.8bn - I wonder if that total was because of their Championship win or "despite" it, either way and even after allowing for how much success they had this season, Im surprised it makes that big a difference (100's of millions maybe, but best part of 2Bn - just seems somewhat exaggerated given the size of Merc anyway)
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edit the one thing I meant to mention was the "advertising value" to Merc last year of £1.8bn - I wonder if that total was because of their Championship win or "despite" it, either way and even after allowing for how much success they had this season, Im surprised it makes that big a difference (100's of millions maybe, but best part of 2Bn - just seems somewhat exaggerated given the size of Merc anyway)

That figure will come from one the works of fantasy sold by "Pitpass Business Editor Cristian Sylt (TM)" (His full title must be used at every opportunity)

He has some meaningless process whereby he adds up all of the TV time during which each car/brand is on screen during the F1 broadcast and assigns a value to that time based on what it would cost to buy the same amount of TV advertising at that time of day. (Despite the fact that an actual advertisment where you can control the content and put accross a message is clearly of much higher value to a sponsor than a long shot of an F1 car where their logo is visible)

He then collates all of this into a report, gets his mate Chris Balfe at Pitpass to promote it and sells it to the media/industry as serious research.
That's not too dis-similar to how repucom who work for most of the major brands in the world work out advertising value. It's all automated though, no adding up needed, just interpretation.

Worked with them a few times when I was in sports research.
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