Well, it's been a while eh? The Moto GP build has been put on hold for a number of reasons, but it's finally time to come back to it and get moving. 2021 was a manic year for me and with other commissions and builds, this one got pushed to the side, so much so that Rossi has now even retired. With 2022 fresh, it's time I caught up with some of my personal builds but this one needed to go right back to the beginning.
My paintwork is, well, ok, ish. But after having the Intel Gamer Days build powder-coated, I decided to treat this build to the same full paint job. The whole system was covered in dust and needed stripping right down so I could send the case parts away, and now they are back ready to get cracking! The finish is beautiful on this and the RAL colour match is perfect for the theme of the build, being the 2010 M1 Yamaha.
With all the parts back, it's time to get the case built back up, and the difference the powder coating makes is beyond amazing.
There are some slight changes coming along the way from the original build, first up is a change of CPU block going with the Alphacool XPX Auroura Pro. It's a better-looking block than the black solid one in the second part of the build log.
The Monsta rads didn't fit first time round, and so Alphacool were kind enough to send over 2 45mm versions, however, for the rebuild I have managed to cram one of the Monstas in with a 45 to the front of the case.
The cables for this are from my good friend Michael Sheppard, To The Wire Mods, they are amazing and given they have spent the best part of a year in the box, its finally time to start threading them into this beast of a case, and they are perfect for the build!
So I am pretty much back to the point where the build was at a year ago, albeit with some improvements to the overall system. There's still a whole load of things I want to change but for now, at least, this system is getting the love it deserves!