I saw this on Dr Disrespect's stream, and I've got to admit the first thing that drifted in to my eye line was the pleasantly contoured body of a female player model on screen
Thankfully they cover up... I can imagine it being quite distracting otherwise
After looking a bit further at the actual game, the devs have clearly gone to a lot of effort to get it in to a polished state from the start, to my eye especially the shadow effects, but I'm always a sucker for those. Not to say all it takes is glossy graphics to make a successful game, we've seen many attempts at that in the past and I think it's fair to say that we all now know it's impossible to use graphics to conceal bad gameplay. As mentioned above, it's obviously taken inspiration from CSGO and Apex (a good thing), but more importantly now has the potential to take advantage of the fact that those games have acted as a primer, preparing the player base for games like this to experiment with subtly yet significantly varying shades of what is, in reality, one genre. It highlights that - despite the fact that the games that make up the cream of the crop absolutely dominate playtime statistics - creative and talented devs are willing to take risks with games that are fundamentally similar in play style, but differ in overall tone. It might seem like a small game now on the face of it but all the big, high brow games started this way, and I feel it has laid down a solid foundation to build on.
On an industry level, it's hard to miss the arguments going on that this sort of game design is getting dry, and that each new release should essentially wipe the slate clean, cleansing all previous ideas, but I enjoy the layering approach. If they don't pad it out with lashings of microtransactions, this could be a real beauty.