Rounded + Nipple + Bleed

Tesla said:
OK I was wrong.

Ford say 26-28m from 50mph is about right. Seemed a heck of a lot shorter than 6 car lengths.

I am tempted to make some faint markings on the curb and test it out one late night.

Beg borrow or steal a G Meter. Gives a reasonably accurate reading.

Right, I still han't got round to doing this.

I am doing an oil change today so would like to change the brake fluid too.

I could take the off, take them up to the local garage with my new nipples and see if they will swap them over for me with a bit of heat?

I cannot see how else I will be able to get them out!
Have you tried dousing it in plus gas? I still think a six sided socket is the way forwards. It at least allows you to get it past that frst sticky stage before changing to a spanner for the actual bleeding, worked on the manta. I'd still think mole grips if that doesn't work. Maybe get some smaller mole grips;).
burns said:
Have you tried dousing it in plus gas? I still think a six sided socket is the way forwards. It at least allows you to get it past that frst sticky stage before changing to a spanner for the actual bleeding, worked on the manta. I'd still think mole grips if that doesn't work. Maybe get some smaller mole grips;).

Agreed, best way by far.

I did my 406 brakes a couple of weeks ago (needed to change a caliper) and used an easy bleed kit from Gunson. Does what it says on the tin and makes the whole job...well......EASY :D definitely get yourself the proper brake spanners thoughn no rounded nipples, ooohhh errr matron!! :eek:

Well just spent £80 on service items. Quite a good deal though I think considering I got...

Oil Filter
Pollen Filter
Front Wipers
Air Filter
4 x Plugs

All Ford parts of course, I have some weird issue with using anything else.

I will pop round Halfords and see what they have with regards to brake spanners. Halfords spanners are usually quite good I find.

What is "Plus Gas"?
Tesla said:
Well just spent £80 on service items. Quite a good deal though I think considering I got...

Oil Filter
Pollen Filter
Front Wipers
Air Filter
4 x Plugs

All Ford parts of course, I have some weird issue with using anything else.

Ouch! Either you need to find a better dealer, or Ford parts are hideously expensive :eek: Nothing wrong with using genuine parts, but ouch!

Just looked at a Vaux reciept I have here for exactly the same shopping list for a corsa minus the wiper blades (£4 each ish?). Retail would have been £64.78 inc. VAT but trade was £29.02 inc VAT.
nutcase_1uk said:
Ouch! Either you need to find a better dealer, or Ford parts are hideously expensive :eek: Nothing wrong with using genuine parts, but ouch!

Just looked at a Vaux reciept I have here for exactly the same shopping list for a corsa minus the wiper blades (£4 each ish?). Retail would have been £64.78 inc. VAT but trade was £29.02 inc VAT.
Seems rather cheap!

Wiper blades were about £12inc VAT. They are about £15-£16 in Halfords for thier own brand.

The spark plugs have to be platinum tipped for the Mondeo, so were around £5 each.

Also, does the Corsa even have a pollen filter?

Anyway, after wrestling with the stupidly tight sump nut I managed to fit all the new shiny parts. WOW what a difference! The idle is perfectly smooth, the car doesn't hesitate at all and pulls slightly stronger.

The plugs I took out were knackered and the oil was pretty damn black. I imagine the plugs made the biggest difference though!

I am just going to stick it in the garage for the brake fluid change as I cannot be bothered with the hassle of removing the rounded nipples and probably snapping them!
Yup to pollen filter :) Plugs are double prong things but not platinum. £2.03 each. Looks like the killer was the wiper blades. What's special about them for that price?
nutcase_1uk said:
Yup to pollen filter :) Plugs are double prong things but not platinum. £2.03 each. Looks like the killer was the wiper blades. What's special about them for that price?

Here is what I paid:

Oil Filter - £5.08
Air Filter - £8.03
Pollen Filter - £14.48
5W30 Oil - £18.98
Spark Plugs - £20.07 (~£5.02ea)
Wiper Blades - £12.42

All prices inc. VAT.

The car is running as sweet as a nut so I think it's worth every penny of my £80!
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